Unexpected Sleepover

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TW: None

Remember kids sleep is important, so are a lot of things.

Wilbur's POV: 

I don't know when I'd started feeling tired, it just sort of happened. I probably should've known better than to go outside in the dark whilst feeling this drained.

Most of the people in the Origin SMP had been having trouble sleeping after the incident the other day. Phil had told me that Scott was still recovering, but I knew that the starborne wouldn't stay inside for long.

Most people around here had their own little area that they'd claimed, I knew where everyone's spot was apart from Scott's. The little gremlin was good at staying hidden.

I knew that starbornes are known to be very quiet when speaking, it was very rare to hear one scream or yell. That's the main reason why everyone obeyed Scott's command on the day of the attack.

The more I walked, the heavier the weight of my exhaustion grew. I knew I should go inside, but I wanted to stay out in the fresh night air. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure making its way up a small hill. I decided to follow it.

It didn't take me long to reach the hill, I quietly climbed up it and looked around. I spotted the figure sitting near the edge of the hill, it was Scott. I decided to go say hi.

Taking the sneaky approach probably wasn't the best idea, but did that stop me? Nope. I quietly snuck up behind Scott making sure to keep myself invisible, when I was about 2 inches away from his back I appeared and screamed behind him.

The boy's reaction was instant, he threw himself forwards and then launched himself high up in the air. I giggled at the reaction. Scott slowly let himself float down, he glared at me but stayed silent.

I went to go sit next to the star covered child, but my vision suddenly became blurry. The next thing I was on the floor, I thought I heard someone call out my name. The last thing I felt was a pair of arms scooping me up, then my world went black.

Smajor's POV:

I watched in both shock and horror as Wilbur collapsed to the ground with a hard thump, I rushed over to his side. "Wilbur?" I called out softly, my voice was still sore from shouting. When I got no response I decided to pick the phantom up.

Gently pushing my arms under Wil's body, I scooped him up with only a small amount of difficulty. Truth be told I was still feeling rather drained from the stunt I'd pulled the other day.

"I could ask Phil for help, but I'm not meant to be out of bed. Well guess I'm on my own then." I quickly decided, I stood up from the ground and began to make my way over to a small cave I'd found.

The cave in question wasn't very big, but it would serve well until I finished building my star based home. I could feel my arms aching from the strain of holding Wilbur but I chose to ignore it.

When I entered my cavern, I made my way over to the makeshift bed I'd made out of pillows and blankets. Settling Wilbur down into the nest, I covered his body with a couple of blankets. 

I swiftly pulled out a piece of paper and a quill from one of my pockets and wrote a quick note to Phil, after he was finished writing the note he set off towards the Pub. Opting to use the quicker method of transport, I launched myself high into the air.

As I floated gently down onto the grass outside the community building, I slipped the letter under the door before making my way back home.

Wrapping a spare blanket around my own body, I settled myself down next to Wilbur. Sleep sounded wonderful to me right now, but I had to stay awake and make sure nothing hurt my friend.

Somehow I managed to force my body to stay somewhat alert until the sun started to rise, I felt my eyes starting to slip shut but made no effort on fighting it.

For the first time in 4 days, I allowed myself to fall into a deep slumber.


Philza's POV:

When I woke up this morning, I didn't expect to see a letter shoved under the door. Picking it up I saw it was from Scott. I frowned knowing he'd obviously gotten out of bed. I read the note out loud to myself.

Dear Philza,

Sorry about leaving my bed before I'd recovered, you know I can't stand being inside when the stars are out. Also if you need me or Wilbur, you can find us in the small cave south-west of the Pub.

From Scott

I had to admit, the kid had very neat handwriting. I decided to go pay him a visit mainly to make sure his wounds hadn't gotten worse.

Taking off into the sky, I started heading towards the location Scott had sent me. It didn't take long to locate the cave. I swooped down and landed softly on the grass outside the cavern, my instincts told me to stay quiet so I did.

As I entered, I saw Scott slumped against a wall beside Wilbur. Though the phantom had gotten Scott's bed, I didn't have the heart to disturb their much needed rest and instead chose to carry on with my day.

Eyyyy some Wilbur and Scott bonding time, pog! I'm actually quite fond of making these little oneshots. Remember, get some sleep, eat food and drink some fucking liquids. I'll see you in the next chapter.

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