Eyes of The End

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TW: Violence, blood

Everyone knows not to make direct eye contact with an enderman, the same thing goes for Enderians. Of course that doesn't stop people from trying. Intentionally or not.

(I've been trying to finish drafts that have been left in my folder so the style will change!)

Ranboo's POV:

I've always enjoyed being outside at night, there are less people to avoid eye contact with. It also means I can spend some time in a quiet environment.

When I walk around at night, I tend to talk to Wilbur. I know Scott also hangs around at night but I can never locate him, though that's the same for most people.

I have a feeling something bad is going to happen...

As I continued to walk around, I caught sight of Scott who was strolling around near Tubbo's shop. I made my way over to him. "Good evening, Scott." I called out, the boy turned around and gave a soft smile.

"Hello Ranboo." he said in return, he seemed to be collecting materials.

We talked for a while causing me to get lost in the conversation, because of this I didn't notice Scott's gaze slowly move towards my face. I felt something watching me so I looked down, that ended up being a big mistake.

Mine and Scott's eyes caught in a direct path, our eyes made contact with each other. I felt my control quickly slip away as the sides of my mouth ripped open, a loud enderman scream came from my throat.

Scott's eyes widened in pure fear and he screamed. I launched at him with the full intent to kill.

Smajor's POV:

The moment we made eye contact I knew I'd messed up, although I didn't know much about the Enderman Origin, I knew that making eye contact was a bad idea. Ranboo's enderman screech confirmed my fear. I let out a scream as he lunged forwards, I felt a sharp pain on my arm.

I didn't bother looking at the wound and instead took off running, I kept screaming for help hoping someone would hear but I knew no one was around. "I'M SORRY RANBOO!!" I screamed; my voice cracked multiple times.

I knew that I wouldn't be able to outrun Ranboo unless I used my abilities, however I also knew that he could teleport. It was my own fault for looking him in the eyes, so I couldn't really blame anyone but myself.

Luckily for me, the stars were in full view, so I had plenty of energy to use. Ignoring the constant pain that pulsed in my arm, I launched myself up into the air.

The moment I took off from the ground, Ranboo let out another loud screech, this only made me go higher into the night sky. Normally on a night like this, I would find comfort and safety, but at this moment in time I was paying the beautiful display zero attention.

Looking around desperately, I caught sight of Wilbur who was sitting near Niki's Lake. I swiftly changed the direction and angle I was facing and launched myself towards the phantom.

Wilbur's POV:

The night had been rather quiet so far. Nights like these were the ones I tended to enjoy the most, however, this one seemed different in a way. It made me feel tense.

I sat near Niki's Lake and listened for any sort of sound, at first, I heard none, but I then picked up on a sound that was similar, if not the same, to the sound that Scott made when he launched himself around.

Deciding to trust my instincts, I looked over towards the direction that the sound came from. I soon spotted a figure soaring through the air, they were heading in my direction. It didn't take me long to figure out who the figure was. It was Scott.

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