memories that hurt

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tw: blood, body gore (i think)

welcome to what will be hell if i can write this chapter how i have it in my mind. get your tissues ready and enjoy this angst filled oneshot.

also i've decided to headcannon tommy as non-binary. do i have a reason? nope.

hello = nightmare/dream

as the night made itself comfortable, a certain avian was tossing and turning in their nest as they slept.

- blood and gore coming up, you have been warned -

"well would ya look at that, boys i found it!" a tall man sneered as he looked down at the shaking avian.

the sound of footsteps echoed through the clearing as they came closer to the two, as the men came into view tommy could clearly see a large knife in one of their hands.

"so, what are we doing to it?" the knife man asked, the leader hummed in thought before a wicked smirk appeared on his face.

"shred it's wings, don't kill 'em just make sure it won't be able to fly." he said in a proud tone, tommy's eyes went wide as they screamed and tried to escape, their attempts were useless.

as tommy continued to attempts of escaping, the man with the knife walked over to them and roughly grabbed their left wing by the bone, a loud snap was heard which was soon followed by a guttural scream from the avian. their reaction only brought more joy to the hunters.

while distracted by the searing pain shooting through their snapped wing, the hunter stabbed his knife into tommy's wing and started to slash his knife down the wing over and over. blood splattered everywhere as it poured heavily from the various wounds from the knife.

the man didn't stop until the whole wing that was once white had gained a blood red colour, he cackled with pride before moving onto the next one and repeating the process.

by the time the hunters had gone, tommy was left lying motionless in a rapidly growing pool of their own warm blood. their wings laying limply on either side, neither of them were in tact and had been shredded to the point where healing them was completely out of the question.

because afterall...

avians were never meant to fly.

- blood warning over -

when tommy woke up to the sound of their own screams, they found themselves alone in their nest.

they didn't get help.

cause bad avians don't deserve pity.

welp, hope you enjoyed this short angsty chapter! it was a lot of fun to write. hope y'all have a good day/night and i'll see you in the next chapter.

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