stars in the feathers

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despite wilbur and phil's constant scolding, tommy would frequently neglect the job of grooming his wings which would normally end up with either phil or wilbur doing the job for him. 

no one, not even tommy himself, knew exactly why the avian would leave his wings until they eventually got into such a bad state and they'd eventually just learned to accept the strange and somewhat dangerous quirk.

taking a glace at his wings, tommy groaned in an over exaggerated matter when he realised it was probably time to get wil or phil to groom them. the only problem that came with this was that both hybrids were out gathering resources and probably wouldn't be back for quite a while.

although he knew he could probably ask one of the others to help him, he'd never let anyone other than wil and phil touch his wings and frankly, he didn't know exactly how to ask anyone else for help. 

from what he knew, none of the other origins had experience with preening wings and he wasn't about to let them try. sighing loudly, the avian settled down on a small hill near scott and ranboo's houses and waited for his brother and father figure to return.

the sound of footsteps approaching him snapped tommy out of his daze, he whipped his head towards the approaching figure, his feathers puffed up instinctively. the person in question froze in place when they saw tommy lock onto them and raised their hands in surrender.

now able to get a better look at the figure, tommy quickly realised that it was scott who'd been coming up behind him and allowed himself to relax slightly. seeing this as a sign that it was okay to continue approaching, scott made his way over to the avian and seated himself down beside him.

"what do you want?" tommy unintentionally snapped at the starborne, "i saw you up here while i was building so i decided to come keep you company." he explained, tommy saw his eyes trail onto his messy wings, he pulled them closer to his body.

"the fuck you looking at." he challenged, "from what i've seen and read about wings, they aren't meant to be in such a bad condition like yours are." scott said casually, tommy felt his face heat up in embarrassment which earned a chuckle from the starborne.

"phil and wilbur aren't here so i can't preen them." the avian muttered, he heard scott hum and for a moment he thought the man would leave.

"i mean, i could groom them for you." his head shot up at the suggestion, he saw scott smiling at him. he sighed loudly before shifting himself so that his back was facing the starborne and allowed his wings to rest over the man's lap.

"if you want to then go ahead, just don't blame me if you get smacked." he said casually, he heard scott make a happy sound and felt the starborne's hands combing through his dirty feathers.

throughout the whole process, tommy would make happy chirping sounds which scott would try respond to with his own trill sound. though tommy would never admit it, scott was very good at grooming his wings, maybe even better than wilbur.

by the time scott was finished, tommy was practically asleep. his body was resting heavily against the starborne's chest. making sure he didn't disturb the avian, scott shifted his body so that tommy was curled up in his lap with his head tucked under his chin. 

a smile graced his face when the younger male snuggled up against him in his sleep, he allowed his eyes to close and drifted off to sleep with tommy securely seated in his lap.

this was originally on my ao3 account but i wanted to post it on here as well. this will probably be the last chapter for this book, but that may chance cause i can't decide things for shit.

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