Flames of Rage

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TW: Yelling

Head cannon: if angry enough, Jack can cause flames to burst out of his body. The heat of these flames is the same as white flames.

Jack's POV:

I was trying to have a peaceful day for myself, but of course that's not allowed here. Tommy had been following me around for most of the day, this doesn't normally annoy me, but this time he was getting on my nerves.

"Oi Jack! Jackkkkkk!" Tommy yelled to me, I turned and faced the avian. "What do you want Tommy?" I snapped, he'd been doing this all day. "Woah, first off fix your fucking attitude." the blonde snarked, "Secondly, who's to say I want something?" he teased.

"If you don't want anything then leave me alone!" I yelled walking off. He didn't follow me for a bit which was nice.

Later on I was talking with Phil and our newest member Scott, that was until a familiar and oh so annoying voice chimed in. "Jack! Hey big man!" Tommy called to me, I groaned in annoyance before replying.

"What do you want NOW Tommy?" I questioned, my patients were running thin. "Bloody hell, again with the attitude? Not very poggers." he mocked, I could feel my body temperature starting to rise. 

"Tommy if you don't want something then fuck off." I snarled, Tommy took this as an invitation to start yelling.

No One's POV:

Philza could tell that Jack was starting to get angry with Tommy, what was unsettling was that he'd never really seen Jack angry before. No one had.

"Tommy, could you please leave Jack alone." the eldest male said, the avian pouted before a sly smirk appeared on his face. Phil felt Scott tense up against his side, looking over at the starborne he notice he was looking up at something.

Following Scott's gaze, Phil saw Tubbo hovering above Jack. In his hands was a bucket of water. Oh.

"Tubbo, Tommy don't you da-" Phil started but was quickly cut off by Tommy's yell. "NOW TUBBO!!" he yelled. Jack had a confused look which was quickly replaced with a look of pain as the water poured over him.

"OW, FUCK!" he yelled, his eyes locked onto Tommy who was now laughing his head off, Tubbo floated down and landed next to his friend. The pained look quickly changed to one of pure anger.

"WHY YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!!" Jack screamed, his voice was thick with fury. Something in him suddenly snapped, his patients was far gone by now.

Letting out a loud scream of rage, Jack's body glowed bright orange. Trusting his instincts, Phil wrapped his wings around Scott and threw both of them backwards. He barely managed to move out the way as flames exploded from Jack's body.

Tommy let out a pained scream as the fire hit him, Tubbo did the same.

Scott had unfortunately managed to watch the event go down, he felt fear fill him. Starbornes were extremely weak to high temperatures, he hid his face in Phil's chest and clung onto him.

After most of the fire went away, everyone who had been near Jack had burns covering their body. All the yelling and noise had alerted Sneeg and Charlie and caused them to come over. 

"What in gods name happened here?!" Charlie questioned, he quickly got his answer.

"I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T KNOW IT WOULD DO THAT MUCH!" Tommy yelled at Jack, the blaze hybrid stalked forwards and grabbed the avian by his shirt collar. 

"If you EVER do anything like that again, I won't hesitate to end you." Jack snapped before throwing Tommy to the ground, he disappeared into his house. 

Phil managed to get Scott to let go of him, he then proceeded to heavily scold the two boys. Sneeg caught sight of the new Origin, he hadn't seen him before now. "Hey Charlie, who's that?" he asked the slime hybrid.

"Not sure, I've heard that there's a new member so maybe that's him?" he theorised. The two of them walked over to Scott and waved, they got a wave in return.

Once Phil had finished scolding Tommy and Tubbo, he made his way back to his own house. Tubbo, Tommy and Sneeg did the same leaving Charlie and Scott alone.

The two of them talked for a while before Charlie left to go get some sleep.

Well I think it's safe to say that Tommy and Tubbo will watch what their doing in the future. Also let's just take in how I managed to traumatise Scott in the second chapter, I can already tell this is gunna be a great journey for him.

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