damaged wings [2]

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tw: mentioned blood

finally decided to just start working on this long awaited chapter, its been way too long and i know if i don't start now i probably never will. my writing style has changed a lot so it will be different to previous chapters.

scott paced back and forth as he tried to figure out how to go about caring for the damaged elytrian, he kept glancing at phil who seemed to be asleep.

his endless pacing was stopped by movement coming from the bed. the starborne quickly turned his attention to the man on the bed as he started to wake up, he felt a wave of guilt hit him as the elytrian flinched when his wings moved.

"hello, phil." scott said quietly, the man looked over at him and smiled, "hiya mate." scott bit back a self loathing remark and instead walked over to the bed and hovered next to it.

"do you, uh.. need anything?" the starborne asked with a hint of uncertainty, it was obvious to both of them that scott had no idea what he was meant to do.

"food would be good if that's alright." phil requested, scott nodded and ran out the room to grab some food for the elytrian. it didn't take him long to find some honey and bread which he was able to make into honey on bread (yes bread, no toast for crow father) before returning to phil.

"i made honey on bread, hope that's alright.." the scottish man said sheepishly as he handed the plate to phil, the man chuckled and took the food, "looks good, thanks mate." scott gave a small smile before allowing himself to float just above the ground.

as phil ate his food, scott used the time to examine the man's wings from a distance. they didn't look much different to when they were first injured and there was still a decent amount of blood clinging to the dark grey feathers.

from what he'd seen from watching tommy, winged hybrids tended to preen their wings to keep them clean. he often saw wilbur preening tommy's wings while they talked but he'd never attempted to touch phil or tommy's wings before.

he must've been starring at phil's wings cause his thoughts were interrupted by the man's voice.

"you alright there, scott?" he asked, the starborne averted his gaze from phil's wings and instead focused on the man himself. apparently he'd finished eating since the plate was resting at the end of the bed.

"oh, yeah sorry. i'm alright." scott assured, he felt his face heat up from embarrassment which earned a chuckle from the older male. 

"you seemed interested in my wings." phil stated casually causing scott to freeze, he gave a slow nod, "yeah, i guess you could say that?" he said though it came out more as a question.

"ya know, if you want to you can preen them for me." the elytrian suggested, scott's eyes widened but he didn't refuse the offer and instead chose to float down onto the bed behind phil. he watched as the man shifted his wings so they were draped over his legs.

"so.. how do i do this?" scott asked, his hands hovered inches away from the battered wings, "its rather simple, just remove the dirt and stuff from the feathers and realign feathers that are out of place." the elytrian paused for a moment, "don't pull any feathers out." he warned.

after a slight moment of hesitation, scott started to pull the grime from phil's wings. he made sure his movements were gentle to avoid harming the wings more than he already had.

he started with the left wing since it looked the worst. his star-covered fingers swept through the feathers and pulled out the mixture of dirt and blood from the wing. he could feel the tension leaving his body as he fell into a steady rhythm.

after he was done with the left wing, he repeated the process with the right one and once again fell into a rhythm.

by the time scott was finished, the sun had already gone down. the only light in the room came from the steady glow emitting from scott's body. 

taking a moment to admire his work, scott smiled at the now clean wings that laid in front of him. having now finished working on phil's wings, scott was hit with a sudden wave of exhaustion causing him to slump against the side of the bed.

"you alright mate?" phil asked as he turned around to face the starborne, his wings tucked comfortably against his back.

"'m fine." scott said, he yawned soon after replying causing phil to smile, he leaned forward and pulled scott so he was leaning against his chest.

"get some sleep, scott." phil said softly, the starborne made a quiet sound as he cuddled closer to the elytrian before letting his eyes fall closed. soon the room was filled with the sound of scott's even breathes.

sorry for taking so long to get this chapter out, i've been busy. i hope you enjoyed this chapter :D 

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