The Sky Calls Me

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TW: Burns, non-intentional suicide attempt, blood

Please never try throw your life away, there are ALWAYS people who are there to help. You ARE loved and always will be. So if you feel the need to do something like that please reach out to someone, I will always be here for you all.

Smajor's POV:

I've always wanted to go back to where I belong, to return to the stars. But no matter how hard I try, I can never reach them. I know there are people who like having me here, but this isn't where I belong.

I sat on my usual hill looking up at the stars, I could hear them calling me, begging me to come home. I felt myself being drawn towards them more than I usually would.

Picking myself up off the floor, I prepared to launch myself into the sky. I felt myself fly up into the air, it felt lovely. I forced my body to launch me higher, the stars grew closer and closer. I could hear them calling out to me.

My body was starting to ache from overusing my ability to launch myself but this time I ignored it, instead choosing to throw my body higher into the sky.

The air was growing thinner and my breathes were coming out as small gasps.

I needed to get home, I needed to return to the stars.

Please let me go home.

Philza's POV:

When I woke up in the middle of the night, I knew something was off. I could tell something was wrong, following this feeling, I walked outside.

Recently, Scott had been staying on the small hill by the Pub. According to Wilbur that's where he always sat, however looking over to said hill, I noticed a lack of the starborne.

I decided to fly over to the hill to check around for Scott, I happened to look up and saw something in the air.

No, surely that can't be.. no. No it's not

I landed on the hill and looked around for the young male.

Smajor's POV:

I tried to launch myself higher into the sky, but my attempt failed. My body was completely drained from overexertion, it was then that I started to fall down towards the Earth. 

Normally I didn't mind falling mainly due to how I always fell at a slow pace, this time however I was falling the same way a meteor would. The ground quickly drawing closer.

I suddenly felt a burning sensation on my back, in a matter of seconds my back was writhing with pain, I let out a scream of pure agony. I could feel my body falling faster, the pain getting worse the faster I fell.

I wanted to launch myself into the sky to at least cushion the fall, but I didn't have nearly enough strength to do that. My vision had long since been taken over by pure white.

All of a sudden, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my chest. They stopped my fall and I could feel myself being lowered at a slow pace to the ground. However I couldn't tell who had just rescued me since I'd been blinded temporarily.

The moment my vision returned, I was met with an angry Philza. Normally I would run when Phil was angry, but I couldn't find the strength to even move at this point.

"What the fuck were you thinking?!" Phil screamed, I flinched at the loud voice, "You could've died!" he added. 

"D-Didn't m-mean.... to g-g-go up so.... far..." I forced the words out my mouth, his expression softened. "What's hurting mate?" he asked, I managed to gesture to my back.

"Can I turn you onto your side so I can take a look?" he questioned, I hesitated for a bit before giving a hesitant nod. He began to slowly roll me onto my side, I stayed as still as I could.

Philza's POV:

After I managed to get Scott lying on his side I was able to check his back for injuries. It didn't take much to see that he had clear burns on his back. The back of his shirt had been ripped and burnt and was now showing the harsh burns across his skin.

"I'm going to get a better look, this might hurt a bit." I warned, I felt Scott tense up so I rubbed his shoulder to try comfort him.

As I got a closer look at Scott's back, I could see a worrying amount of blood oozing out of several of the burns. From what I could see, the burns looked like their were either 2nd or 3rd degree ones.

"Alright mate, let's go get you patched up." I said as I gently lifted the wounded male into my arms. I took off and headed for the Pub.

This is only part 1 of this oneshot, part 2 will be the healing and recovery process for Scott. There is no guarantee that the next chapter will be part 2, so you may have to wait a while for the next part to be finished! Remember if you ever feel like hurting yourself, please speak to someone. Love you all! I'll see you in the next part.

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