Chapter 14: What's going on?!

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"Who is he, Noona?" Meng asked his older sister. Jing remained quiet as many thoughts ran through his head.

"Um... Jing. Meng. This is Kim Namjoon. He-"

"Is he one of your soulmates Noona?" Jing asked curiously.

*Kim Namjoon.exe. has crashed. Reboot starting now.*

"I beg your pardon, but soulmates? As in more than one?"

There was a long pause before Kitsune answered very carefully.

"Yes..." Her eyes went wide as she noticed some shady figures behind them. She immediately grabbed Meng's hand and Namjoon's knowing that Jing would grab onto his twin's hand. Quickly she pulled them out of the bookstore and shoved them all in her car. With the flick of her wrist the vehicle started on it's own. "Jing- baby, watch over your brother and make sure you all get home ok?" Jing nodded immediately in response. Kitsune looked over her shoulder to make sure she wasn't being followed. "Joonie please take care of my boys, and for God's sakes don't die. I love you." She turned around, and Namjoon's eyebrows shot up as he watched her transform into a flying white fox.

"It is you..." He whispered. The car moved on its own, and he started to panic. "I can't drive- what's going on?!" He felt a small hand on his shoulder and looked back to see Jing staring at him. Studying him.

"My Eomma trusts you very much. You must be one of her 7 soulmates." Jing observed.

"Seven?" Namjoon spoke in a calmer voice. In his mind, Namjoon was majorly freaking out. Cars weren't supposed to move on their own,  magic like Kitsune didn't add up with the logic he grew up learning... And he was one of seven soulmates?!

"Yes. Noona has always had seven fox tails. She hides them so the bad guys chasing her won't find her... Or us." A minute later the car stopped in front of a smaller house.

"Come on Appa, we need to be safe." Jing cried out as he pulled the older man's hand.

"A-appa?" Namjoon stuttered. Jing face flushed crimson in embarrassment.

"Sorry!... Hyung come on!" The twins led Namjoon inside, just as he got a call from Jimin.


"You ok?" He could hear the younger male crying on the other end.

"Yeah, it's just... Call me crazy- but I think I found Noona."

"How do you know?"

"She's laying right in front of me... with a bullet in her chest!"

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