Dating scenarios chapter PT:1

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Welcome to the first of many scenarios. Some of these are in the modern AU.


• Tanjiro loves taking you on little hikes for dates then not only do you get to look at the wonders of nature. But he gets to look at his beautiful love.

• When you are sick do not expect him not to help you because if you sneeze just a little he will come running with tissues and medicine.

• One word of what he loves. C U D D L E S! When he cuddles with you all the bad things he thinks of poof! Gone for good.

• When tanjiro kisses you it's always gentle and sweet but when he gets jealous that is a hell of another story. In short here's how we explain it Happy: gentle and sweet Jealous: rough and sloppy but still amazing

• Of course he wants to protect you like come on dude. When on missions and you have to split up he will always right before you leave tell you to be careful and make sure to stay calm.


• All I can say is HE SPOILS THE HELL OUT OF YOU! You want a new haori? Watch him ask someone to make it for you. Want to go out to eat? He will be recommending places for y'all to eat.

• When you are sick or hurt he will be right next to you every single second you need him. He may not know much about taking care of people but he knows you gotta take medicine.

• When he cuddles with you he is asleep within ten minutes. Like come on you were that comfortable and tired you fall asleep almost immediately?

• He loves kisses even when you're on missions he will be begging for kisses as he says they make him stronger.

• He may be a coward but when it comes to protecting you watch him go thunder clap and flash. Especially when he is jealous like if a guy goes too close to you make sure to protect yourself.


• Just a reminder he is new to this so don't expect too much from him just praise,kiss, and cuddle and you're good.

• We all know this boy if he gets jealous "PIG ASSAULT" to the person he is jealous of especially zenitsu. If he knocks them unconscious he will just laugh and tease them saying their weak.

• When you kissed inosuke for the first time he could've passed out, he was that excited.

• Cuddling with him is.... strange. Reason is y'all can never stay in one position you just keep switching ( switching the positions for you~)

• He will always want to fight you but when on missions you will be working together. Crazy right? He actually carries you when you get hurt UwU


• He likes to spoil you like zenitsu but not exactly like him. Of course you get what you want but not everything you want, he being a responsible boyfriend.<( ̄︶ ̄)>

• When you're sick and you want him to be with you he will try and be better than shinobu and it works. He even sings to you when you need to sleep. 

• If you have to go on a mission with another pillar he will threaten them telling them to make sure you come back with a few scratches and they have scratches too.

• He has tried baking for your birthday..... he burned the cake. But at least you got cupcakes that mitsuri made for him to give you.

• Cuddles are his life! When he comes back from a mission with shinobu he runs to find you and drags you away from where you were and cuddles you for the next four hours.

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