Tanjiro x Twin reader

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You are Tanjiro's twin brother/sister/sibling and you were the opposite of his nice personality. You were selective of who you are nice to, of course your nice to your siblings but anyone that you aren't close to you are very mean. You and tanjiro were sent on a mission with his friends and you were very quiet around them, Tanjiro at one point had a feeling that you were not acting like yourself so he stopped walking and asked " What's the matter (y/n)? You haven't talked this entire time."

You looked at him and said " I don't know! I just feel uncomfortable around your friends. I'm worried they won't be able to fight. Well just the blonde headed one. But still." You were turning red and looked down embarrassed of what you said but tanjiro only smiled at you and hugged you. You hugged him back and said " I love you aniki." He said " I love you too aneki." 

With that you two had ran back to where the others were and as soon as you got there the demon you were assigned to fight was there, all of you unsheathed your swords and got into your fighting stances. Except for zenitsu who was protecting nezuko's box but still scared, you hid behind a tree and signaled for inosuke and tanjiro to do the same which they did. You peeked from behind the tree and saw that the demon was confused to where you all were you then realized it couldn't hear so you decided to climb up the tree you were behind and attack from above. " Wind breathing: 1st form." ( I cant remember the name of the first form so whoever remembers pls comment!) You said jumping down from the branch you were in and once you sliced the demon's head you rolled and landed on your feet.

Inosuke and Tanjiro came from behind the trees they were hiding by and looked at you smiling happily and when you looked at them you for once around friends of tanjiro smiled back, zenitsu walked over to the three of you and said " Ok everyone let's go back to headquarters because I'm done with this place." You gave him a deadpan look and just nodded and tried to stand up but it turns out that you had sprained your ankle when you landed after decapitating the demon.

You groaned in pain and held your ankle on the verge of tears because of how much it hurt, you knew your master wasn't going to be happy with you for getting hurt on a mission. Tanjiro bent down next to you to check on you and saw you crying so he picked you up and carried on his back the entire way back to headquarters. You then said " Aniki you don't have to carry me anymore. I can walk now! See?" You tried to get off his back but he just held on tighter and said " Not happening. Sorry sis but you can't walk properly yet." You sighed heavily and put your head on his shoulder to relax a bit. You were nervous as to what sanemi would say about being injured, you imagined what he would say here's what you imagined ' You little brat! How did you get hurt?!'

You shook your head and looked up to see that you were at the entrance of the butterfly estate and saw Sanemi standing there waiting for you to come back. He then saw you being carried by your twin who became a nervous sweaty mess because of what would happen, Sanemi started storming to your friend group and grabbing you from off of tanjiro and carried you inside. You looked over his shoulder to see all of them nervous for you and trying to make sure you were calm.

* Timeskip brought to you by Inosuke and Aoi being a couple*

Tanjiro and you were sitting outside of the butterfly estate eating mochi and staring into the sunset, Tanjiro cleared his throat and said " So what happened with you and shinazugawa-san? Did you get in trouble because of me?" You looked at him surprised and said " No not because of you. I got in trouble for not taking care of my ankle. And for not letting you guys help me." You said taking another bite of your mochi.

Tanjiro got up and hugged you and said " I'm so sorry sis. We should've helped you fight so you wouldn't get hurt." You hugged him back and said " It's ok Tanji. Besides it's not like I got my sword taken away or have to run laps around the headquarters when I get better." He laughed and let go of you before turning around to see Inosuke and Zenitsu eavesdropping on your conversation.

 You glared at the two of them before they went running back to their rooms to make sure they don't get yelled at, you laughed at them and tanjiro laughed with you. You two walked back to your rooms only to hear running around and screaming, you looked into the room and saw zenitsu chasing nezuko around the room. You stepped into the room and stood infront of zenitsu with your arms crossed and glaring at him. 

He stopped mid air trying to jump onto nezuko to hug her and he fell on his behind while tanjiro was telling nezuko to lay down since she was running for a while, you helped zenitsu up and told him to lay down so he didn't wake inosuke up and he would go on a rampage. After being able to make zenitsu go to sleep you say tanjiro sleeping right next to nezuko's box, you smiled softly and walked over to your siblings who you promised to protect with your life and covered tanjiro up.

You lied down onto your futon and covered youself with you blanket and went to sleep after a long day. You were happy to still have your siblings and being able to fight with their help just made it even better.

Word count:1024 

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