Yandere! Obanai x reader

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🚩 Warning! This chapter includes murder, blood, graphic text, drunk character

🖤 Genre: yandere, angst, slight lime

🐍 Description: After going out to drink with the guys they were so drunk they started talking about how much they wanted to be with you making obanai slowly spiral into insanity and lead to their murders. He'll do anything for his darling~

Walking back to the apartments after getting drunk with uzui, giyuu, sanemi, and gyomei they were talking to each other their words barely understandable. " Wanna know something boys? If I could get with (y/n) I totally would. I mean come on she's a total hottie and she's still single." Uzui said while his arm was hanging over gyomei's shoulder, Sanemi replied saying " Yeah your right. She totally deserves someone as good as me for her like look at me a total masterpiece."

Giyuu looked over at him saying " With all those scars you expect that woman to like you? All three of you? Your sad honestly she'd like me more. A smart, reasonable, kind man." Starting to wobble around getting dizzy from having so many shots, Obanai had been listening on the other side of them all and started thinking ' If they don't shut up I'll kill them. Why would (y/n) want any of them. She deserves better than that, in fact she should have me. That's it I'll get rid of them so I have no competition. Perfect but ho- wait I have my knife in my bag. Lucky me'

Seeing that they were getting close to an allyway with no lights Obanai led them towards it secretly pulling his weapon out while saying "Come here boys a shortcut to the apartments is this way." Them taking the bait walking into the alley and stopping when Obanai was in front of them. "Obanai what the fuck are you doi-" Sanemi was cut off by having his throat sliced with the knife with one clean move. He fell to the ground bleeding and gasping for air until he started choking out blood.

" Obanai what the fuck!? What is your problem dude? Your even more drunk then us to do that! " Uzui exclaimed angrily looking at the small man Obanai looked up at him saying "I'm still sober enough to kill you all that's for sure. Besides no one will know until tomorrow that your dead." Stepping towards him and stabbing him in the stomach and pulling it out quickly to look at the blood in the dim moonlight.

Uzui fell against the wall clutching his stomach and looking at Obanai before saying " You.... Your a fucking psycho ass bitch." Before he started to lose life by the second and in that moment slid down the wall onto the ground still holding his stomach. Gyomei and giyuu were left and were scared for the last minutes they had left. Giyuu said "Why are you killing us Obanai? What did we do? Whatever it was I-" he was cut off by being pinned to the wall with the knife at his throat. Obanai looked at him straight in the eyes saying " Your trying to take (y/n) away from me... And that can't happen she's mine only." He said before cutting his throat letting him fall to the ground within seconds.

Gyomei had fallen over trying to crawl away but Obanai stabbed him in the leg saying " And where are you going? You thought you could leave? Oh no you'll just get me in trouble and that can't happen so you're dying too. Haha and it's sad I thought I could trust you all." Before cutting his arm stabbing him in the neck, once he knew he wasn't breathing anymore he moved his hands to the knife to make it look like he gyomei was the suspect. He ran towards the apartment and went to his room where you lived with him. He went inside and locked the door seeing you in the kitchen making yourself some food, he silently walked over to you and grabbed your waist pulling you towards him.

You looked at him saying " When did you get here Obanai? Did you and the boys have fu-" you got cut off by him smashing his lips against yours. You pulled away looking at him in shock before you said " Your still drunk Obanai. I know what you want but you aren't in the right head set. " He stared at you and said " I am in the right mindset my darling. Besides the boys won't be seen for a while. " Before pulling you into another kiss and sitting you on the counter. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled away once again confused as to what he meant by ' They won't be seen for a while' you started to think and hit you... He killed them on their way back. That's what took him so long to get home, it was all adding up.

You then realized you couldn't get them back and you couldn't leave fearing that he would hurt you if you tried. So you gave in and kissed him again while you were crying. He pulled away to wipe your tears saying " Don't cry. I'm here for you my darling~"

Word count:881

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