Chapter X

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Sorry for not writing, I didnt think people would actually like this story lol

I woke up to see my diary laid out flat in front of me. I forgot to put it up last night, I thought.

I hurredly threw the book under my arm and decided to put it up before getting ready for classes.

My feet rushed over each other as I tried to get out of the common room before anyone noticed.

"We have to stop meeting like this," Draco sighed dramatically. I looked over to see him cleaning his fingernails nonchalantly.

"Heyyyyyy," I dragged out.

"What's that in your hand?" He leaned forward and nodded his head at my arm, where I was holding my journal.

"Drugs," I lied.

"Last time I checked, weed didnt look like that." He stood up without breaking eyecontact with me, and slowly made his way towards me. It reminded me of a hunter slowly making their way up to their prey, doing their best not to spook it.

"What the hell are you doing?" I spat, backing away from him. I hit the wall with my back, and quickly hid my journal behind me.

He snaked his hand behind me and grabbed the journal before I could object.

"I'm giving in to my curiousity," He smirked as he opened my journal in front of me.

I woke up with a gasp, my alarm clock was beeping me awake. I looked down to see my diary still sprawled out ontop of me.

I was kind of relieved that this nightmare didn't involve Dinara, or any sort of death. In fact, I had no idea what that nightmare was even about.

Can I even call it a nightmare?

I shrugged it off and decided to take that dream as a hint not to hide the diary until later tonight, so I just hid at in my underwear drawer. If anyone does find it, I can accuse them of being a pervert, and possibly get them expelled. (cough, cough. Malfoy.)

I got dressed into my school robes and made my way to the common room. Due to my dream, I was somewhat expecting Malfoy when I got there.

A hidden breath escaped my lips when I noticed he wasn't there. I left to my classes and couldn't help but feel anxious all day.

"Is Malfoy still there," I'd ask myself in the middle of class. Of course, everytime I turned my head, he was still there.

Then, during lunch, he noticed.

"Why the hell do you keep staring at me?" He laced with disgust. I looked up from my food, since I looked away when Malfoy's eyes caught mine.

"Sorry, bud. I'm not staring, but I'm sure you'll find someone who will! See, Pansy is and--"

He cut me off, "I was talking to Pansy." His eyes narrowed down on me.

"Guess I'm just used to you yelling at me," I shrugged. This was me pretending my heart wasn't beating at 100 MPH.

No more words were exchanged between us, so I ate in silence once more.


I found myself almost racing to get to my common room. I tried to just walk but, for some reason, my feet wanted to walk at the speed my heart was beating.

Once I arrived in my dorm room, I grabbed my journal, and ran. I ran so far and so fast, that I didn't see Crabbe standing outside of the main door- Until I ran into him.

I stood up and brushed myself off. "Heyyy, friend," I smiled awkwardly.

He suspiciously eyed me, then the book in my hands. As if he had an epiphany, his eyes lit up and he ran the opposite direction of where he looked to be going.

I turned to face the door behind me, then to where Crabbe had ran off to. I had a feeling that Malfoy was in that direction, but I shook it off.

"I have the journal now," I thought. "I'll be fine."

I decided not to run this time-- because of teachers and stuff-- So I walked the whole way to the girls lavatory.

After putting it back down and placing a spell on it, Myrtle started to speak.

"I don't understand why you hide it here," She thought out loud. "I mean, I'm not going to tell anyone, but Harry Potter and his friends comes here all the time- They might see it."

I scrunched up my nose at the thought, but shook it off. "I put a spell on it. Just don't tell them what spell it was, and I won't kill you two-fold."

Myrtle started to cry at the threat, so I just walked past her. I hummed to myself happily, but frowned when I saw Malfoy leaning against the walls waiting for something- Or, seemingly, someone.

"Malfoy," I nodded in acknowledgement as I passed him. He leaned off of the wall and stepped in front of me.

I squinted my eyes at him, trying to read him to figure out what he was trying to do. I stepped to my left, and Malfoy stepped to his right.

I stepped to my right, he stepped to his left.

So, I stepped back over to my left again, but Malfoy was already ahead of me.

"Quit playing games, Barbie. What the fuck do you want?" I snapped.

"Ooh, someone's grouchy." He teased, but still not moving from his spot.

I darted past him, and thought I got away, until his arms completely wrapped around me and pulled me back.

He pulled me close to him, making sure I couldn't move. He had my arms entrapped into my body.

"Why do you keep going there at night?" He asked, his grip tightening as if sensing I was going to try and run away again.

"To a lavatory? Hmm, gee. I wonder why, Mr. Prefect," I hummed sarcastically.

I could sense his eye roll, even though I couldn't see him. "You bring a book with you," He paused. "Is it in there, now?"

I shook my head with the little mobility I had, "No sir."

He paused before clearing his throat, "Are you lying to me?" That's when I realized how close he moved his mouth to my ear. I tensed up, unsure of what to do in this situation.

The pressure around my arms lifted, and he let me go.

I turned around and eyed him skeptically, "You're letting me go?"

"Oh, you figured it out! Do you want a cookie?"

"I do, but not for figuring it out."

"I'm not giving you a cookie," He rolled his eyes.

"Then don't offer," I said before turning around to leave.

AGAIN, IM SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN A WHILE! Also, let me know if it feels rushed, too slow, or of any spelling errors. I'd appreciate it :)

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