Chapter V

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I woke up in the middle of the night to a terrible nightmare. This one had to do with Dinara. I, honestly, forgot about her up until yesterday.

I walked downstairs to the common room and saw Malfoy laying on the couch.

"Draco?" I called, walking closer to him to see if he was asleep.

"No," He replied blankly, his eyes closed.

I sat across from him and stared at the ceiling again, as if it was some kind of ritual. "Can't sleep either, huh?"

"Now that you're here, no."

I sighed, "Why are you in the common room?"

"It's too cold in the dorm."

"There's a spell for that."

"Oh, really? I didn't know that. Thanks." He mocked.

"You don't have to be a dick all the time, Malfoy."

"Stop thinking about my dick, Picasso."

"Then put it down." I closed my eyes, but still kept my head facing the ceiling.

"If you hate it that much, put it down yourself."

My eyes shot wide open. "Malfoy!" I yelled, looking at him just to see him still laying on the couch, with his eyes still closed.

"That's what I thought."

"Can we do this more often?" I asked him.

"Talk about my dick?"

"No, I- I mean this. Just talking."

"We talk every day, Red."

"Not like this."

"That's only because I'm too tired to speak my mind right now."

"Then could you be tired more often?"

"Well, when you put it like that.. No."

"I tried."

Then it was silent again. It wasn't awkward, though. It was peaceful.

"Are you going home for Christmas?" I asked him, breaking the silence.

"I don't know yet," He answered.


"Do you hate me?" I decided to ask randomly.

He stayed silent.

"I'm just going to pretend that means you're asleep."

"Have fun with that."

I ended up falling asleep in the common room. I woke up with a blanket on top of me, but I was almost positive I didn't bring one downstairs.

"Ew," I said when Malfoy walked downstairs.

He ignored me and just left. I was a little offended, but brushed it off in the end.

In class, Draco passed me some kind of note that was shaped into a bird. I opened it when the professor wasn't looking.

'Stop staring at me.'

I sighed, and recreated the same one he made. 'Keep on dreaming, Draco.'

He winked at me when he threw the next one. I reluctantly opened it.
'You used my first name.'

I rolled my eyes, rolling up the note and disintegrated it with my wand when he was looking. I smiled mischievously at him.

A few minutes later, another bird floated in front of me. I unfolded it,
'Forget about last night.'

I smiled to myself as I wrote back on the same note.
'What happened last night?'

I watched as he smiled at the note. I couldn't help but feel accomplished.

"Malfoy. What is in your hand?" Professor Lupin called out. The whole class turned to face Malfoy, including me. My eyes locked with his, so I quickly looked away.
"Well?" He pushed.

I raised my hand. "I have a question!" He looked towards me, waiting for me to continue. "Uh, why can't Protego protect against Avada Kedavra?" I asked, keeping eye-contact with the professor.

"At least someone's paying attention," He said, eyeing Draco.

I looked back at Draco to see him uncross his arms, and bring his hand up to rest his head on. He seemed deep in thought. I found myself staring at him. I only realized when he looked at me.

I quickly looked at the chalkboard, trying to make it look like I was paying attention to the lesson.

After class, Draco was the first one to leave. It was odd, but I didn't think much of it- Until he did it again. It seemed like he was avoiding me.

I didn't talk to him the rest of the day, until night came along. I was too busy thinking about Draco that I couldn't sleep, so I walked down to the common room. To my luck, I found him lying on the couch again.

"Malfoy," I called. He looked over at me, but quickly looked back to the ceiling when he saw me. He ignored me.

I sat across from him again, staring at the ceiling like normal. "You're avoiding me." I pointed out.

"Then, I'm obviously not doing a good job."

I sighed, "What did I do?"

He stayed silent.

"Dammit, Malfoy. Seriously."

"I didn't want you rubbing it in my face," He mumbled.

"You- You what?"

"You helped me in class."

"That's it?" I laughed.

"Shut up."

I stayed silent.

"You..." He trailed off. "Why can't you sleep?"

I laughed to myself, "I'll tell if you tell."

He stayed silent.

"That's what I thought."

"I know what you meant last night," He said.


"About this."



"Did you sleep down here, last night?" I asked him.

He didn't answer.

"You're so mysterious," I accused.

"I know."

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