Chapter XXXI

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It's my birthday today, so I'm skipping school~ Now I've got more time to write :D

"I still can't believe you took the car despite knowing there's a tracker in it," I brought up again as the flying car landed in an open spot in the field next to a very tall home owned by a family of gingers.

"I can't believe you decided to come with us," Fred admitted.

"Me neither," George agreed.

George shut off the car and all three of us jumped out. An angry mother was quick to run out of the house and yell at George while Fred tried hiding behind the car and discreetly open the trunk for me.

"I am so disappointed in you," The mother yelled, pointing an angry finger at her son. "How could you do this to me? To your father? We were worried sick and when we checked the tracker and it said you were at Hogwarts, we thought something serious happened! Why would you go out and-- Who's that?" She stopped yelling and turned her attention to me as her other son shifted his position to hide behind me.


"She goes by Red," Fred cut in as he stepped in front of me. "She's a Gryffindor at Hogwarts."

George and I both sent glares at the tall boy, but it didn't seem to faze him.

"She doesn't have a family to go to for the holidays, mum. They're so mean to her." George added quickly to make sure Fred didn't speak for me on that part.

"Well, hello dear!" Mrs. Weasley pushed Fred out of the way and gently grasped my shoulders. "Are you wanting to stay with us?"

"Only if it's okay," I smiled. "I don't wish to burden you."

"Of course you won't burden me, dear! There's plenty of more room for you. The twins can sleep on the couch," She stopped talking to make sure they knew she was glaring at them before continuing. "You can have their room."

"Mum," Fred whined.

"Harry has the couch," George reminded.

"Well then you three can have the common and Harry can have your room!" She then quickly looked at me, "If you want, dear."

I smiled, "I can sleep wherever, I don't mind. I'm just grateful you're taking me in for the time being."

"Of course, sweetheart." She shot both of her son glares, unaware that I knew she was doing it. I admired how much she cared for her children, and how she hasn't even laid a hand on them amidst the yelling.

"Let's get you kiddos inside," Spoke Mr. Weasley as he stepped out of the doorway to give everyone room to walk in. It was obvious the man stepped outside for a reason, but it wasn't obvious what reason it was until after he went through with his plan.

"Haven't I taught you not to repeat your mistakes," The father whispered with a disappointed tone to his twin sons, unknown to the mother who was beaming with a welcoming smile towards a new guest. It all felt too perfect, the fear of something unsettling possible resting underneathe sent shivers down my spine.

Once Mrs. Weasley got to the living room she turned around to face the group who was following her. Fred walked into my back after I stopped, George walked into his, and Mr. Weasley stopped a foot away.

"Sorry," I whispered towards the two behind me. Fred shook his head while George smiled.

"It's alright," Fred winked.

"Dear," Mrs. Weasley spoke to her husband. "Can you get a make-shift bed set up for Red here?" She used her foot to poke at a spot next to the sofa with a blanket and two colorful throw pillows on it.

"Of course." Mr. Weasley pulled out his wand, causing the other four of us to back up as he casted a spell, somehow causing a pillow and blanket to appear in the air and gently fall to the ground, fluffing themselves.

I couldn't help but smile. A small feeling of wanting/needing to cry came over me, but I shook it off. "Thank you, again, Mrs. Weasley. This is truly the kindest anyone has been to me."

"Why that says a lot," She shot a look to Fred in particular before looking at me again. "We're glad to have you here. Have you eaten yet? We've just had dinner, but I can make you something."

"Oh, I'm fine! I ate before I came." I awkwardly turned my head behind me to see Fred and George make eye contact. They then turned and looked at me with an unreadable expression that made me feel guilty for not being able to decipher it.

"Alright, then. Make yourself at home," She smiled one last time before turning around and heading towards what looked like a kitchen.

"I should.... Go too," Mr. Weasley awkwardly waved at me as he walked passed me and towards the direction of his wife.

I turned to the twins, but they spoke first.

"You ate, yeah?" George raised an eyebrow, expecting some half-assed excuse.

"Not what you said when we found you," Fred shook his head with exaggerated disappointment.

"Oh, shut it. I could tell your parents why you were there in the first place, if you wish," I threatened.

"NO!" The two quickly held out their hands.

"Please don't," Fred smiled kindly, hoping I'd give in.

"Alright," I dragged out, "If you insist."

"Thank you," George said before going up the stairs and leaving Fred and I alone. I sat down on the couch and looked up at the tall ginger, shifting my posture slightly, suddenly feeling self-conscious of my height.

Fred sat down next to me and looked down at me, his height still towering mine. "Do you want something to eat?"

"I said no," I laughed it off. "Why?"

"We've got snacks. Even have the chips you like," He shoved his shoulder into mine playfully.

"Really?" I perked up.

"I'll get them for you."

Fred stood up and disappeared into the kitchen where his parents were. After a few minutes he came back with a bag of chips, once he sat down next to me, I noticed they were the same ones I had been eating earlier today when we played Uno.

He sat the chips in between us after opening them and I waited for him to eat one before I grabbed any. "Thank you," I muttered after finally swallowing the last of my chip.

Fred only smiled, then grabbed another one out of the bag. We sat in silence, eating the chips, except for the sounds of the people in the kitchen, until the sound of footsteps stormed down the stairs. It turned out to be their little sister, Ginny.

"I CAN'T FIND SOCKS," She cried out to her brother, completely unaware of my presense.

"Calm down," Fred stood from his seat. "Head up to your room, I'll help you find some."

His sister ran up the stairs in a rush, once she was out of sight, he turned to me with a sigh. "She's got a date with someone," He shook his head. "Not one I'd approve of."

As if on cue, another pair of footsteps came rushing down the stairs.

"Harry can't find anything good to wear," George spoke, refusing to leave the last step.

Fred groaned, "I can't help both him and Ginny."

"I- I could help," I cut in. The two turned to look at me, and I quickly felt embarassed. "If you want.."

"Could you help Ginny?" Fred asked, while George stood still.

"I mean, sure. How hard could it be?"

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