Chapter XVIII

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"Red," Bulstrode called through the door as she knocked on it. I jolted up from the current nightmare I was having, to realize the yelling was from her.

The knocking became more rushed, "Please open up!" A series of possible tragedies rushed through my mind and it started to freak me out.

I grew panicked. I jumped off my bed and rushed to open the door, "What is it?"

"Can I sleep in here tonight?" She asked, suddenly switching to a shy demeanour. I looked her up and down to realize she was holding a weighted blanket and a pillow in her arms, hugging them tightly.

"What time is it?" I asked, ignoring the disappointment I was feeling. I turned my head and looked over my shoulder to see my alarm clock.

"It's like two," She mumbled, shyly.

"What's wrong?" I asked, opening my door wider to finally let her in.

"I had a nightmare," She replied as she aggressively waved her blanket in the air before putting it on the ground as a mattress.

I wanted to ask if it was my problem, or respond in a dry way, but I couldn't. I felt bad seeing her like this. She's always perky and cheerful, but this is just sad.

"Go ahead, make yourself at home." I spoke without thinking. There I was, being an ass again. "I'm sorry that came out wrong--"

"It's okay, I should have asked first." She smiled sadly. She bent down and grabbed the edge of her blanket to pick it up, so I instinctively through my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me, waiting for me to explain my sudden action.

"You can stay here," I stuttered. "I dont bite much."

She smiled up at me before standing up. I pulled my arm back, and as quickly as I had touched her, she had pulled (Well, more like push with how much force she put behind it) me into a hug.

After a second of being disoriented, I was about to hug back, but she pushed herself away. "Thank you," She smiled.

"Of course," I smiled back.

That night, she slept on the ground next to me, and I was in my bed. I laid there, eyes on the ceiling, trying to picture what someone like her could have nightmares about.

Then my thoughts faded and settled on something else- Someone else. With him as my last thought, I snuggled into my covers a bit more, and fell asleep.

When I arose the next morning, Bulstrode wasn't there. I assumed she had already woken up, and decided to get dressed.

"Red," A cheerful voice called through my door. I recognized it from last night, threw my robes on, then opened the door.

"Bulstrode," I acknowledged with a false front- a confident one.

"Thanks for last night," She smiled. "It really helped. I was just worried that the thing from my dreams would eat me."

"From your dreams? How?" I leaned against my door frame, waiting for her to answer, expecting her to answer, but she didn't.

Her smile faded an ounce before appearing as a grin again, "I'll see you around, Red!"

I watched as she walked down the hallway, down the stairs, then wherever the hell it was next. It was odd seeing someone so open be so secretive, it was almost concerning.

Shaking it off, I turned around and went to brush my teeth. I stared at myself in the mirror, spacing off as I tried to focus on what was on my mind.

Why would she hide a nightmare? It's not like dreams come true, or maybe her happy-go-lucky nature tells her other-wise. I have nightmares all the time and they never come true, they just happen to already be true. Like an endless loop of regret.

Wait, what did I dream about last night?


I slept amazing last night.

When I sleep in the common room with Draco across from me, I dont have nightmares either. I assumed that it was just because the couch was more comfortable than my bed, but I may be wrong. What if it's not that at all?

What if it's whenever there's someone next to me?

No, I'm not a baby; I can sleep fine on my own. It's just a coincidence.

Before I could think about it more, I left to class. As I stepped into the common room, the silence almost made my ears ring- But it didn't, due to my lack of tinnitus. I looked around, checking for any peculiar blonds.

I walked to the door, but it didn't open. It refused to open. I pulled on the handle and felt a strong force pull back. This time, I pulled harder.


I put my foot on the wall next to me and tried pushing myself off of it, but the door still wouldnt open. I looked around, trying to find someone, but it was just me. I was alone behind a locked door.

I pushed myself back, and I stumbled. The silence was freaking me out.

I hear nothing.

"Alohamora," A voice called behind me.

I turned around in a frenzy, my breathing as fast as my heart rate.

"Blaise," I breathed out before i could breathe in, causing me to forcefully cough.

"Damn, Red. It's just a door." He teased, but it was obvious he could tell something was wrong.

"Shut up," I forced out as soon as I could. "Please."

Blaise put his hand on my back as I stood hunched, coughing out the carbon dioxide in my lungs.

"What's wrong--"





I nodded, but he had a look of disbelief on his face.

"You were breathing so fast you practically werent," He reminded. "What's up with you?"


"There's nothing," I replied.



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