Chapter XVI

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I tossed my robes over my shoulders, grabbed my books off the end table, then left for class.

It's now Monday, which means there's only four more days until break starts. Winter break. I groaned at the thought of being in Hogwarts for two weeks by myself. Well, on second thought, that can't be that bad.

"What's on your mind?" Bulstrode asked, skipping beside me. Normally, I'd tell her to leave or 'piss off,' but I just didn't.

"Break," I replied shortly.

"Oh, are you excited?" She cheered, "I can't wait to see my family again!"

I nodded more to myself than I did her. "What are your plans?"

"Do you really want to know?" She asked me.

I just nodded.

"Okay, so my mom wants to take the whole family to America, because"-- As she talked and talked about her plans, I spaced off. A part of me felt bad for ignoring her, but the thoughts took over before I could process what they were.

Surprise, the thoughts went back to Dinara.

"I can't wait for our first break," Dinara had smiled on the way to Hogwarts. We sat in the boat, while she and another student rowed us to our destination.

"School hasn't even started," I shook my head lightly.

"Yeah, but after it has, I bet I'll be so sad to say goodbye to everyone."

"And you want that?"

"At least I'll have people to say goodbye to," She smiled.

This was our first year at Hogwarts. I'm currently on my fifth, and every break makes me think about her. Would she have been this happy if I hadn't killed her?

"RED?" A voice yelled in my ear. I snapped out of my daydream and turned to see Bulstrode still striding next to me. "Were you even listening?"

"Yeah," I mumbled. "America sounds like it'll be fun."

She perked back up, "So we should go to America instead of Japan?"

I hadn't even heard that part of the ranting, but I still answered. "Yeah, your mother seems excited about it."

"Right?" She beamed. "You're so right. I'm going to..."

In class, she sat next to me, still talking about her trip. I nodded every two-three minutes, so she would think I was listening. She only stopped talking when Snape walked in, telling everyone to 'quiet down.'

Bulstrode frowned, but nothing else left her mouth.

"Today we are going to," Snape began in his infamous slur. "Brew Calming Draught. Who knows what that is?"

I know. I read it just before the party in the library. Did I raise my hand, though? Not at all.

"Draco," Snape slurred. "Your answer?"

"Calming Draught calms someone from trauma, or anger, or anything of that sort." Draco answered smugly.

Snape nodded, "Well done."

The class went on, and by the time it ended, everyone had already finished with their potions. I wasn't really interested, until I read the textbook when it told me how to brew Calming Draught, and what it's for.

It calms people? As in, it could calm me? I heard what Draco said, but it didnt register until I read it. A part of me wanted to steal the potion, but the other part warned me of the consequences.

Eventually, I decided to wait. Nothing good comes from rushing. A good plan always has a backup, so after I come up with one, I must put in place a plan B.

The rest of the day went quick. Bulstrode gave up on talking to me, and no one else paid any attention to me.

I sat in my room, contemplating each scenario that could result from me stealing from Snape.

If I get the correct ingredients and brew it myself, Snape is sure to realize they're missing. If I steal an already mads potion, he'll realize it as well...

Then I figured it out. The best way to steal something without getting caught, is to put a placebo in it's place- An illusion, if you will. I only have four days to get that potion, or else if Snape finds out the ingredients are a fake, it'll be obvious it's me.

Without anymore thought into it, I went on to think of a plan B.

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