Chapter VIII

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I was walking back to the common room, after hiding my diary in the old girls' lavatory. I put a protection charm on it, of course! I made sure it'd hurt a nosy bastard if they ever got close to it.

"Where are you coming from?" Malfoy asked as I made my way into the Common.

"The loo," I replied without a second thought.

"So, you weren't in the Forbidden Forest?" He cocked his head, watching me as I made my way to the couch.

"Why would I be? It's after curfew, isn't it?"

He watched me, studying me. "What are you doing up?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I don't need to explain myself to you, Picasso! Feeling a little nosy, are we?" He spat, crossing his arms in annoyance.

"Touchy subject, noted." I said to myself, sitting down across from him.

I watched Draco as he stared off into space, obviously lost in his thoughts. "Penny for your thoughts?" I asked him, studying his unfocused eyes.

"Pennies are for muggles," He cursed.

"Bloody hell. Who pissed in your cheerios this morning?"

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

"I'll see you never," Draco hissed as he stood up and went to his room.

"See you tomorrow, Draco!" I called after him in a teasing manner.

"Piss off!" His voice echoed back to me.

I stayed in the common room, wondering why Draco was in such a bad mood. Thinking about it, I realized that he had bags under his eyes. I hope he's not sick or anything.. Only because it'd be harder to make fun of him, of course!

The next day, I noticed Malfoy wasn't at lunch. So, I excused myself, saying I had to use the loo, when I was truly searching for Draco. He seemed too stressed to not eat.

Eventually, I came across him leaving the Room of Requirements with tears threatening to burst from his eyes. I followed him back to the cafeteria and watched as he was quick to run back out. I was about to chase after him, when Potter cut in front of me. "Bloody hell," I cursed under my breath. I chased after the two enemies until we came upon the boys' lavatory.

I waited outside, for fear of getting in trouble. There was yelling inside, then a loud bang. With only little hesitation, I ran in and saw Potter standing over Draco's bleeding body.

"Malfoy!" I screamed, kneeling beside him, not caring that I was getting a mix of blood and water on me.

"Get out," I heard a slurred voice say behind me. I looked up in time to see Potter running out as Snape walked by me. "You too," He snarled.

I only my head as the tears flowed out of my eyes, "Shove it. I'm not leaving him."

Snape was too annoyed to fight with me, so he just squatted down next to me and chanted some kind of incantation that healed Malfoy. I held his head in my lap. "It's okay," I cooed while petting his hair. Tears streamed out of his eyes as he continued to moan in pain and, possibly, desperation.

Snape picked up the now unconscious body, and carried him to his office. I followed behind, watching Draco closely.

After about an hour of silence, Snape had enough of me. "You can leave now," Snape dismissed. I stayed in silence, watching as Draco laid asleep on Snape's desk. "Now," Snape pushed. I hesitantly left the room, but only because the motivation of wanting to kill Potter was pushing me.

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