Chapter XXXII

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Sorry, guys. I've not had motivation lately, no excuses this time lol. I'll try though :D

I stood at the doorway to what George told me was Ginny's room. She was throwing clothes from her closet to her bed, breathing heavily.

"Hey," I called out.

It took her a few seconds to turn around, "Hi. Oh, wait- Are you Fred's friend?"

"Yeah, and George's, he just doesn't matter." I laughed sarcastically, trying to lighten to mood, "They wanted me to come help you."

Ginny let out a breath with a dramatic, "Thank you!"

She walked over next to me and turned to see my view of her bed. "Isn't there a spell for socks?"

I shook my head, "We can't use magic outside of Hogwarts, you know that." It was so odd being nice to someone I didn't know. It made my heart feel weird. Was it melting? No, it feels like it though.

"Please," She whined. "Fred and George got their wands taken, and no one else will help me."

"I dont even know the spell.."

"ACCIO," She yelled, proud of her knowledge, causing a flying book to come around and hit her at her feet. "Oops."

"Oh, I know that one all too well. Hang on, I thought you needed a wand to do spells."

"Depends on how good you are at them," She informed. "I'm just.. not good."

I couldn't help but to let out a small laugh, which she didn't return. I muttered a small apology before changing the subject. "I'll try it, since the magic industry can't detect small spells."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," She repeated rapidally, only stopping after I pulled out my wand. She backed up a few small steps.

"Accio," I twirled my wand habitually, getting early memories of when I was fighting with Draco and needed to find what he stole.

Another book flew off her shelf and, this time, hit me in the foot. I sighed, "I don't even know what I'm looking for."

"WHAT," Yelled a voice in my ear, "Do you think you're doing?" I gasped, jumped forward, and turned around to see the twins smiling like maniacs where I last stood.

"Bloody-- YOU JERKS." I yelled at them, which only seemed to make them laugh.

"Are you doing spells?" Fred teased. George shook his head from behind him.

"Only accio, it's not that bad."

"I don't know," George dragged out threateningly.

"Shut it," I shot out before either could say anymore. It was almost obvious that they were going to try and make a scheme and make it seem as though Accio was a curse or something. "You'll scare Ginny if you say what I think you're going to say."

They sighed and changed the subject.

"You're failing miserably if you're doing what we think you're trying to do," Fred shot back.

I rolled my eyes, "I thought you had to help someone."

"It was easy, we just told him to be comfortable," George smiled proudly.


"THAT'S A GREAT IDEA," Ginny cheered. "I don't need socks."

She then pushed me and her brothers out of her room and shut the door in our faces. I turned back to the twins with pure disappointment written purposely on my face.

"You didn't actually tell him that, did you?"

"No, we did.. After we helped him pick out a nice suit," Fred smirked.

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