Chapter XXVII

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i've got a new data plan!! I can post stuff now :D

I groaned, stretching my arms above my head, not realizing it'd set off a migraine until after I did it. The memories of last flooded back in my mind, and the last thing I remembered was...

Malfoy saying, "I love you."

My face blushed red. No. He must have been talking to his mom on the phone, or something. It was definitely his voice, and I was laying on something comfortable at the time.... Oh.

I was laying on him at the time. Why would I lay on him when he's on call with his mom? Wait. Stop. Just ignore it. Doesn't matter, you were drunk, you could have just hit your head, I thought.

"Get up, I'm leaving soon." Reluctantly, I sat up and noticed Malfoy at the end of the bed, packing a suitcase full of clothes.

"You-- Did we--" I panicked, sitting upright quickly.

"I slept on the floor," He grumbled. "Since you, so kindly, fell asleep in my bed."

"Oh, I did.. I'm sorry."

"Shut up," He grabbed a picture off of his dresser which was a photo of him and his mom having fun. He shoved it in his suitcase. "What do you remember," He asked after pausing hesitantly. His hands rested in his suitcase, not moving after the picture from was placed.

"Well," I gulped. "I remember embarassing myself," I forced out a laugh. "Why?"

His shoulders, that I didn't realize were tense, relaxed. He didn't answer and wemt back to packing, so I spoke again.

"Why didn't you wake me up or something?"

"You were drunk."


He paused and looked up at me, "I'm not discussing this with you anymore. I've a train to catch."

I jumped up from the bed and stopped him from leaving, "What time is it?"

"There is a clock right next to you," He deadpanned.

I immediately to my left and saw the clock on his end table, which I knew was there, and read the time out loud for him to hear. "Nine fourty-three," I turned back to look at him. "Blaise told me it leaves at noon."

"Possibly," Draco looked away and stared at the wall next to him. "What of it?"

I stepped in front of him, again. "We have time."

"I have time, you're staying at Hogwarts, aren't you?"

"How did you know that--" Then I remembered. That time I caught Draco and the other boy, name still uncared for, talking in the hallway. The boy who asked if I was staying at Hogwarts for the holidays..

"I have my connec--"

"He asked me," I cut him off. "At lunch, he asked me and then told you what I had said. Am I wrong?"

"You are not."


"I was going to use it to make fun of you, but..." He trailed off. "I decided not to."

"You're too kind," I complimented sarcastically. "Is that truly the reason?"

He nodded.

"Fine.." I let it go. Draco stepped forward and backed me up against the wall, his suitcase laying on the edge of his bed.

Draco eyed me up and down before speaking, "Tell me, are you going to go back to stealing from Snape while I'm gone?"

"It's only a few weeks for the winter," I reminded.

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