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"Good morning, Draco." I greeted as he came down the stairs into the common room. I sat on the couch next to Blaise and Pansy, whom were very into the books they were reading. Bulstrode was still in her room.

"Good morning, Love."

Everyone's head snapped towards Draco's direction. He seemed un-bothered by the attention, so the two looked at me.

"Love?" Blaise questioned, his voice barely squeaking-- but I caught it.

"Don't ask me, I didn't say it!" I threw my hands up in defense. I could feel my face heating up as the eyes of three people continued to veer at me.

"Draco?" Pansy asked, slowly closing her book without marking her page.

"What?" He said in a statement-like voice. He seemed annoyed.

"Are you two dating?"

"No," I answered for him.

"Yes," He answered at the same time as me.

I looked up at him, my eyes wider than I thought they could ever be. Does he think we're dating? No, wait.. does he hope we are? I kind of hope we are, but that's only an ounce of hope-- At least, I think so. If he said that, does that automatically mean we are dating now? That ass never even asked for my consent, actually. Should I scold him?

Draco caught my glance.

"So, which is it?" Blaise questioned once more.

"Something wrong, princess?" Draco asked, ignoring his question.

I felt my face heat up, "N-no. Fuck. Piss off." My flustered state was obvious to everyone in the room.

"You're at that phase," Blaise cooed. "Got it."

Draco and I snapped our heads toward him. Our question shot out simultaneously, "What phase?"

"Both of you like each other but neither of you have the balls to ask the other out," Pansy said in a stoic manner. "Just do it, already."

"Draco, I--" I tried to ask him if we could go somewhere private, like his room, but he cut me off very quickly.

"If you ask me out, I'm saying no."

My mouth opened to say something, but I had no words. Why would he say no? Did he lie to me? Is he embarrassed to be seen with me?

Right when I found the words to say, he spoke again. "We're leaving," Draco grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs into his room. I trailed behind him as he dragged me. Risking a glance behind me, I saw Pansy staring down at her hands while Blaise watched me while he wriggled his eyebrows.

Draco shut the door behind us. "What the bloody hell was that?"

"Pardon me? I didn't do anything wrong. I barely even--"

"Why did you say we weren't dating?"

"Why did you say we were? I never gave you consent to claim me as yours."

"You want to be mine?"

"No, Draco. I just said I didn't say that."

"You were going to ask me out, though."

"I was going to ask you if we could leave."

"You don't need my permission to do anything," He sat down on his bed. I turned to follow him with my eyes. He clearly didn't understand the situation.

"I needed you to willingly consent to leave with me, but apparently that doesn't mean much to you."

His eyes locked into mine. They were captivating, making it almost too hard to hear what he said.

"What?" He paused.

I rolled my eyes, "Exactly."

"My bad if I thought sucking each other's face on my bed meant we were dating. We are just casual acquaintances," His sarcasm was bitter.

"Can we please stop arguing for once, Draco?"

"You started it!" I sat down next to him as he crossed his arms aggressively.

I laid my head on his shoulder, "This is me finishing it."

"Bloody hell, woman. How is this not dating?"

Looking up, I realized he was looking down at me. "Dating is an agreement."

"Do you agree that we're dating?" He sassed.

I didn't like him refusing to ask me out. He wants us to date but won't blatantly ask. "I need better."

"Shove off, how about this; You're mine and no one can have you."

Yeah, that works too.

I'm sorry it took me so long AGAIN to write another chapter. Tbh, I've had this for a while, but I haven't posted it  because I didn't know how to go from here. I believe, now, I do.

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