Chapter XXXVI

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When I wrote to Draco, I barely expected him to get it before we started Hogwarts again, but not at all did I expect him to reply by the next morning.

We'll talk on the ride to Hogwarts, I'll find you.

That's not scary at all, especially considering I was sitting in the car with the Weasleys on the way towards the train station at the moment. Fred kept trying to look over to see what it said, but I was slouched so far down that his tall-ass couldn't lean that far down to read it.

We got to the train station sooner than expected. Mrs. Weasley said good bye to her sons first, then her daughter, then before Harry it was my turn.

"Red, dear." She smiled sweetly, but it was a distraction from what she was about to do. She pulled me into a tight, suffocating hug. She whispered in a low voice, "Take care of those baboons, especially Fred." When she pulled back and made eye contact with me she winked. Oh Merlin, she was confused.

"Alright," I mumbled awkwardly. "Take care of yourself too, Mrs. Weasley."

"You as well," Then she turned to her favorite son, Harry Potter. I took that as my cue too leave and walked through the wall with my bag over my shoulder, since that's all I took with me from Hogwarts.

I sat down in an empty compartment by the front so I didn't rush running into the twins while looking for one, because if that's what Mrs. Weasley said to me, i can only imagine what she said to Fred.

I waited impatiently as the train stayed stationary. "We'll talk on the ride to Hogwarts," was repeating in my mind. It sounded serious.

Does he not want to be friends anymore? Did not talking to him for two weeks piss him off? Should I have apologized? I fucked up.

The compartment door flew open harshly, I looked up mentally preparing to see Draco.

"Blaise?" I asked confused.

He sat down across from me without saying anything until I spoke again. "What--"

"I went on a date with her."

"Her? Blaise, I haven't--"

"Luna. I went in a date with Luna, I think we're a thing now!"

"Oh." I blinked, "Congratulations."

"You don't seem very happy," He stared at me, trying to read my facial expressions.

"No, I'm... I mean it. Congratulations, you two deserve each other." I shook my head in disappointment at myself, why was I letting my own emotions get in the way of celebrating Blaise finally getting his girl?

"That's it, spill. What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing is wrong, I'm perfectly--"

"Is it Draco?"

"I'm not going to--"

"It is him! Did you two break up?"


"Wait, were you two even dating?"

"STOP BLOODY TALKING!" I yelled at him. His hurt facial expression made me regret it immediately. "I'm sorry, I'm just fine. Okay? And no, we didn't break up; We never will because he and I will never be a thing. Okay? Just drop it, Draco doesn't care about me. I don't even bloody-- Nevermind.."

"Oh," He paused. I watched him, waiting for what he'd do next. I expected him to leave, not look up and stare at the open doorway next to us. I could see a person there in my peripheral vision, but I was too scared to see who it was.

"Is that how you feel?"

No, oh Merlin's beard, why did this have to happen?

"Out, now. I need to talk to her."

Blaise stood up without hesitation and slid past the person in the doorway, leaving us alone. I stared at the ground anxiously as the silhouette made it's way inside and shut the door behind itself. They sat across from me.


He was staring at me with intent. His hair was the most platinum I had ever seen it and the urge to run my fingers through his hair was stronger than it ever had been before. It almost looked like his lips were pouting outwards and I could feel the guilt build up in me for wanting to kiss them.

"First off," He began. "When I said I couldn't write to you and that you should continue to try to write to me, that did not mean you should just disappear. Second, don't tell anyone I said this but I did miss you in that time. Third, I do care about you."

I looked up and made eye contact with him, making it hard to ignore the piercing gaze he was sending through my body and into my soul. I forgot to respond, all I could think about was how much I needed to hear him say that.

"Why would you think that I don't?"

"I... Don't know," I looked away towards the window. I watched as the parents on the platform began to fall behind the train, the vibration of the seat below me was the only thing I could focus on at that moment to avoid my thoughts.

"You do," He grabbed my shoulder. My head instinctively turned towards him. "What is it? Have I been distant, because if I remember correctly you were the one who didn't write to me for two weeks--"

"You said you loved me."

"Pardon? I don't remember ever writing-- oh." His face tinted red when he remembered and he quickly went silent.

"I wanted to bring it up before, but I was so scared that I dreamed it. Then I couldn't stop thinking about it over break and when you brought it up I got worried that I'd have to tell you, so I went distant. I didn't want to risk losing you--"

"When did I bring it up?"

"That thing that I wanted to talk to you about, Draco, was that.. I wanted to know if you meant it."

"Would you hate me if I did mean it?"

"No, I'd... I wouldn't."

"Good, because I think I did."

"You think you did? What is that supposed to mean?"

"You're not the only one that's confused," He spat. "I've never felt this before so pardon me if I'm a little defensive! You make me vulnerable and weak. When I'm around you I just want to pull you into a hug and get as close to you as possible, and whenever I'm away from you it feels like my heart is tugging and weighing in your direction; Now if you have any other explanation, I'm open to hearing it."

We both sat in silence for several minutes, neither of us knew what to say.


"Don't. I can't handle rejection right now."

"No, Draco, I feel the same way."

His eyes met mine and it didn't take him much time to move forward and sit next to me. I was hoping for a hug, but he stayed a few inches distant. "Honestly?"

"The most honest I've been in years."

I could feel cold hands wrap around the back of my neck as he pulled me towards him. He used his free hand to move my hair out of my face to give him the room to do what he planned to. His lips slammed into mine.

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