Chapter II

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"Malfoy!" I screamed from the common room as I made my way up the stairs and to the Malfoy's room. "Draco Malfoy!" I yelled, kicking the door open by it's hinges. Draco looked up at me with amusement on his face.

"Bloody hell, Malfoy! If I catch you going through my stuff again, I will send you straight to hell."

"Who says I went through your stuff?" He asked, a smirk appearing on his lips.

"Bulstrode." I deadpanned.

His smirk slowly morphed into a frown, "Well you shouldn't be staying up past curfew."

"Ah, yes. Blame it on me! It's always my fault! Hey, everyone, let's blame Red for having insomnia!" I yelled, glaring a hole through Malfoy's soul. He just sat there.

"What? The great Malfoy didn't find my dream journal yet? Shocker." I hissed just before slamming the door shut behind me.

Maybe I came on a little too strong..

I sat down on the couch in the common room, staring at the fireplace. I watched as the fire took shape as the same one from my nightmare last night. The fire seemed to have a mind of its own. It didn't follow the wind, it didn't follow the smoke, it just followed the one student. Draco Malfoy.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Draco coming down the stairs. I quickly sat up, turning my back towards him in hopes he wouldn't see me. However, he never does what I want him to.

"Oi, Picasso." He called, sitting down on the couch across from me. "I could tell Dumbledoor that you barged into my room. But.. I'll gladly save that for another day." He teased, crossing his arms as he leaned back on the couch.

"Is that all you had to say?" I monotoned, staring up at the ceiling, crossing my arms as he did.

"Oh, trust me, there's more."

I groaned, "Why would I trust you? All you do is try to find something to use against me. It's almost like you hate me more than Potter." I continued to stare at the ceiling. I hate confrontation.

"I don't hate anyone more than I hate Harry Potter. That weaseling Gryffindor is famous for just being alive."

I nodded. "But he'll be even more famous when he dies. Whether he dies of old age or not."

There was peaceful silence for a few moments before Draco stood up and became Draco again.

"Crabbe," He called. I turned my head just enough to see Crabbe standing in the stairs. Just that alone made me see another side to Malfoy. An innocent side.

I stood up and tried to sneak into my dorm without drawing any attention. Thankfully, Malfoy was blocking Crabbe's view of me. I'm not sure if Malfoy noticed, but either way, I was grateful.

When I got into the dorm, I grabbed the sketchbook from my dresser and hid it with my dream journal. Under my mattress. I'm not sure if it's smart or stupid, but I'm willing to take the chance.

"Draco's going to the dance with me!" I heard a girl say from across the hall, since both of our doors were open. I sat up and saw Pansy Parkinson. The other girls sat next to her on her bed.

"Why's he going to the dance with you? No offense, but you don't seem like his type." Bulstrode said.

I just sighed, getting up from my bed and leaving my room. "Do you think she heard us," I heard one if them whisper as they shut Pansy's door.

"She's just jealous," Pansy said abnormally loud.

I had fist clenched on the hem of my robes, ready to curse someone out, when I realized how bad that would make me look. It'd make it seem like I was jealous- Which I wasn't.

Now, don't get me wrong. I get that Pansy has a thing for Malfoy, but it's annoying how she thinks I'm somehow going to get in the way of that.

I turned around, holding in my anger, and went down the stairs, past the common room, and into someone's side. I fell back with a wince, sending a death glare to the person in front of me.

"Potter?" I questioned. He smiled sweetly at me, holding his hand out to help me stand up. I didn't take it, and helped myself stand up.

"What are you doing outside of the Slytherin dorms?" I asked, looking behind me to see if I did come out of the Slytherin dorms.

"I was..." He trailed off, and I immediately caught on.

"You were doing something against the rules!" I couldn't help but think about telling Draco. Maybe, then, he'd leave me alone.

"Please don't tell anyone. I just need to—"


We both turned our heads to the voice and met Weasley.

"Ah, yes. The one and only Ron Weasley. Let me guess. You'll be assisting him on this illegal trip?" His eyes got wide as he looked to Harry for help. I just laughed, "Chill out. You guys need to learn to live on the edge a little- Oh wait, I guess you are." I laughed again. Weasley glared at me.

"Come on, Harry," He grabbed his arm and turned to go up the stairs.

"Oh, don't let me stop you from having fun! I bet Granger's already there waiting for you!" By the worried looks on their faces, I assumed I was right.

"Oh this is gold!" I laughed, clutching my stomach. "You guys are way too easy to pick on!" I admitted, walking past them to head anywhere else. "Oh, and by the way. Don't let Malfoy catch you. He's been itching to get someone in trouble all day."

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