Chapter XXIII

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It was the last day of school before break, so as the Friday sun woke up, everyone slowly started to realize that there were flyers around the common room and dorm hallways. As if two weren't enough in the hallway, there were at least twelve just taped there in rows only four inches apart.

"Who's responsible for this?" I heard a voice slur from down the stairs. Curious, I stepped down to see Snape holding one of the flyers in his hand.

Friday Game Night
Truth or dare, would you rather,
fun board games, whatever!

If you show up, you're guaranteed to have fun!! Teachers can come too, we're not shy. Just bring your best lingerie ;)

Friday Night, 7pm-Midnight.
Slytherin Common.

I had to clutch onto my arm not to laugh when I saw the group of Slytherin students slowly back away so Blaise Zabini was the only one remaining in the middle. I shook my head in disappointment.

"Well?" His eyes locked with Blaise, but neither of them said anything.

"He did it," One of the Slytherins shouted.

"Well?" Snape asked again, ignoring the student, his attention dead-set on the one before him.

"You're invited too," He smiled hesitantly.

"Out of the question," Snape slurred. "No such things will be happening today."

"Aww, man," The group whined. I stepped off of the stairs.

"Wait. What's so wrong with it?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Blaise chimed in. I stepped beside him, but not in front, in fear of interrogation.

"It's against the rules."

"What is?" Blaise asked, pushing the subject.

"Houses can not be in the Slytherin Common. It's forbidden."

"Not the common room, then," I suggested as I looked at Blaise. He only nodded, encouraging me to continue.

"What?" Snape asked.

"Somewhere like... the canteen! More room for everyone."

"No," Snape replied shortly.

"Just ask Dumbledore," I said towards Blaise. "Snape can't answer for him."

"Come with me?"

"Hell no, I've got class."

"Finee," He whined. We turned back to Snape and smiled at him. "Anything else?" Blaise asked.

"No," He turned around and left.

Once the door shut behind him, the room erupted into cheers. "Yeaah!"

"Wait, wait, wait," Blaise called out, getting the attention on him. "We don't have permission yet."

"Who cares, you handled that like a boss!" A voice yelled from the crowd.

"Yeah, he did!" I pepped-up, slapping Zabini on the shoulder.

Over the span of a few minutes, the crowd dispursed to go to class. After Zabini left me, Draco came from the stairs, his head popping out from the corner.

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