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My head felt like someone was inside my skull, banging it over and over again with a mallet.

The light burned my eyes, causing me to shut them tightly, and procrastinate against opening them again. The rustling around me let me know I wasn't alone, though.

I struggled to speak, due to my voice being hoarse. "What's- What happened?" I forced out, pushing a cough to try and fix my throat.

"You drank so much," Someone laughed. I recognized it as Blaise.

I groaned as I put my hand to my head, trying to leviate the pain. "Where is everyone?"

"Either passed out here or in their own dorms," He answered. There was a sound of paper being thrown on paper, so I forced my eyes open to see what was going on.

"The Blaise is cleaning up after himself?" I gasped dramatically, "Never."

"The Red is hungover?" He gasped, "Never."

I laughed, then groaned right after. "Stop," I whined. "You're making my head hurt."

"My bad, I'll just put my funny on pause."

"Thank you." I forced myself to sit up, and only flinched when the light hit my eyes again. I blinked rapidly, trying to see what else was around me.

I noticed I was on a couch, and Blaise was to my right, cleaning up around where the pullout table was. He picked up cup after cup, throwing them into a plastic bag he had in his hand.

"Is Draco asleep?" I asked, rubbing my eyes with the heel of my hands.

I caught a smirk that flashed onto Blaise's face, "Why? Want to be there when he wakes up?"

I could feel my face flush red. "You-- Shut up." I groaned, not caring to fight back. "Don't take advantage of my hungover state."

"My bad, my bad. I'll get you some water, then we'll talk." He teased, putting his bag down. He grabbed a bottle of water from god-knows-where, and I took it.

"Let's talk about you and that Ravenclaw, first."

He stiffened. "What?"

"Oh, you know," I cooed. He sat down next to me and I elbowed him playfully. "The one with the blonde hair," I continued to coo. "The one you just couldn't stay away from, last night."

"She was just a hook up," He shrugged, trying to losen up.

I nodded sarcastically, "Mmhm. One that you only eye-fucked. If she were a hookup," I eyed him up and down. "Why would you be here?"

He sighed, "I give up. Fine, I do fancy her a bit."

"Aww! Zabini has a crush," I started to sing. "Zabini has a cru--"

"You have a crush on Draco," He sang back in the same tune. "You have a crush on Draco."

"Shut up, we both know that's not true."

"We both know it is," He winked.

I crossed my arms and leaned back on the couch. I threw my feet in his lap, but he didnt even try to push them off.

"There's no way I could like him. He's always got a stick up his ass."

"And when he doesn't?"

"He's a nice bloke," I shrugged. "Just hides it all the time." I looked up at the ceiling and smiled. "We never talk about it, but some times at night, when we can't sleep, we lay out here- In the common. We either just sit in silence, or talk about our day."

"Hmm," Blaise pretended to think out loud. "Sounds like you have a crush."

"Piss off, I do not." I sat up, taking my feet off his lap.

"Do too," He cooed. "You've got such a huge crush on Draco Malfoy."

"Stop saying that," I punched his shoulder. "With my luck, he'll hear you."

"So, you admit it?"

"No, but.. I can't deny it, anymore." I frowned, which earned an enthusiastic smile from Blaise.

"I'm going to have so much fun with this," He stood up.

"Okay, Cupid. Slow down. Don't get ahead of yourself, there." I sat up, but refused to stand up.

Blaise didn't reply, as he rummaged through the drawer of one of the end tables.

"What are you doing?" I asked skeptically.

"Shhh, don't mess with Cupid while he's working," Blaise whispered. He stopped and pulled something out of the drawer, holding it up high, as if to show it off to the gods.

"What is tha--"

"A pen."

I laughed, "What the hell are you going to do with a pen?"

"What else would I use it for? To write, obviously."

I shook my head disapprovingly, but let him do his thing. After about two more minutes, he turned the note pad (Where he got it, I don't know) he was writing on to face me.

"And what is that?" I asked in a bored tone.

"The plan," He smiled mischeviously.

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