Chapter XX

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Not to be that person, but I realized being mad at Draco was stupid. Listen, I am mad at him, but not openly. He can't know he gets to me, know that what happened made me feel things.. Maybe I'll even make myself believe that if I hide it well enough.

"Red," Spoke a voice from behind me. I was sitting in the common room, reading a book, since the girls in the room next to me were watching a loud movie on DVD. It had something to do with a lot of romance..

I turned around and met eyes with Pansy. A knot instantly curled in my stomach when I saw the look on her face. She has this look in her eyes whenever she feels something that has to do with Draco. It's scary.

"Yes..?" I questioned slowly as I placed my book down beside me on the couch. "Do you need something?"

She stood there for a moment, fists at her side, before finally speaking, letting the suspense fall until after I comprehended her words. "I see what he does to you in class."

My heart sped up. No way she's talking about anyone but Malfoy, and there's no way she's saying that without meaning what I'm thinking.


"He was all over you. He kept whispering in your ear, then after class he waited for you. He always walks with me after potions!"

"I-- That's because you follow him.."

"Shut up, I'm the one talking. I saw you push him into that room after class too. Then he left after you and looked all disappointed."

"Okay, I need you to slow down--"

"He was hitting on you, wasn't he?"

"Actually, yeah," I said, expecting her to cut me off again. She didn't, so I spoke again. "Are you mad at me..?"

"You told him no because of me, didn't you?"

I couldn't believe it. This is where she was going with it. Why did she start by yelling?

"What," Was all I managed to get out.

"I know you have a thing for him, Red. Everyone does. The way you look at him just says it. It's obvious he likes you back too, just look at him.. So why'd you turn him down?"

"He's..." I trailed off, trying to think of the right thing to say. "He's yours. You called dibs."

Pansy smiled gently. It's common for her to smile, so that small one really meant something. "You're not too bad.." She walked back to her room, and I was left completely dumbfounded.

I turned back around and laid my head in my hands. I just lied to her. I made it seem like I did that for her, when in all honesty, I never even thought she deserved him. I'm not saying Draco's too good for her, I'm saying she's too good for him.

"Bravo," Another voice said. I snapped my head over, already recognizing it.

"Was that even true?" Blaise asked, slow clapping from the stairs as he walked towards me.

"Well... I don't know, man. I'm so confused." I slumped more into the couch. "Draco assumed I thought he liked me, so he told me he didn't, and apparently he looked sad when Pansy saw him so she thinks I turned him down."

"He turned you down? Does that mean I get a--"

"Shut up, this is serious."

"Oops.." Blaise sat down next to me. "So, what's wrong?"

"She trusts me."

"Why is that bad?" He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"I want her to trust me for a good reason, not a lie. Then when the lie comes out, she'll hate me."

"Pansy hates everyone. That's just makes you normal."

"Not Draco."

"Why does that matter?"

"If she hated him, I wouldn't be in this mess. In fact, we'd have something in common, and I wouldn't have to worry about her finding out."

"Finding out what? That you didn't turn him down, but it was mutual?"

"Finding out that..." I stopped myself. "I'm confusing you, I'll go up to my room now." I went to stand up but he put his hand on my shoulder.

"No, I'll go."

"To my room?'

"To mine, idiot. I'll see you later."

I smiled at him and nodded in place of a goodbye. He stood up, nodded back, then disappeared up the stairs.

Resuming back to my book, I purposely indulged myself into another world. My way of escaping, if you will. The book isn't even one where you could put yourself into a character's shoes, it's just an introduction to advanced wizardry.

I flipped the next page, becoming fully interested in the history of wands and why they're used. It was honestly fun, but I was interupted, yet again (something you should expect when in the common), when someone came down the stairs.

A huff was heard from behind me, so I jumped and turned to see Blaise pushing Malfoy down the steps. No, not violently, just enough so he's step down his own.

"Only you can do that to him," I brought up as I put my book next to me. I watched as Malfoy then quickly turned around and pulled Blaise back up the stairs by his elbow. I rolled my eyes and went back to my book. Classic Malfoy, ignoring my prescense.

"Red," Draco's voice called from behind me. I jumped, practically throwing the book in the air before catching it and sitting it on my lap.

"Merlin's beard, you can't do that. What do you want?" I rushed, trying to catch my breath. I turned around and saw him leaning in the stairway, his arms crossed as he watched me.

"We need to talk."


I know it's short, but I've got to get back in the process of writing again. I'l try my best to write more, but I may go M.I.A for a few days when my phone shuts off. Life is hard, but I'm trying T_T

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