Chapter XXV

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madlettuce gave me the idea for this chapter!! So, thank you!

As we made out way to the Slytherin table, I noticed Snape in front of the cafeteria trying to get the Slytherins to guess what he was trying to act out.

He had his hair pushed on the other side of his face, and despite how unamused he looked, he was still trying to act it out. He held a fist underneathe his mouth to imitate a microphone as he mouthed as if he was singing.

"Justin Bieber!" I yelled out as a joke, not expecting him to point at me and Dumbledore to announce we had got it right.

Draco stepped in front of me in that moment and spoke as he passed me. "Of course you'd get that right."

He sat down and I sat down next to him, inbetween him and Blaise.

"What happened to your hand?" Pansy asked concerned when she saw the blood on Draco's knuckles. I mentally cursed myself for letting him distract me from that.

"What happened to your face?" I shot back when I noticed Draco looked uncomfortable.

She and I laughed before stopping to resume watching the charades (literally) go on in front of the room.

Eventually, after the Ravenclaw had won, we decided it was best to play something else. In the midst of deciding, multiple professors decided it'd be best for them to go to sleep.

After that, everyone split up to play their own games. The professors sat at one end of a table, while students sat with whomever they wanted, no house-sorting involved.

My group involved Draco to my left, Blaise to my right and Pansy, Luna (a Ravenclaw), and Bulstrode across from us. Some others sat close but they weren't in our conversation(s).

"What do you think the professors are talking about?" Luna asked monotonously to fill the silence.

I looked down the table to see the majority of them leaning over the table, whispering before looking down at us. I made eye contact with Snape, and it weirded me out.

"I think.. us...?" I questioned, turning back to see the others had looked that way too.

I watched as Draco pulled his wand from his back pocket and pointed it from under the table. "Loqueris adme," He whispered.

Draco watched the group of professors closesly, causing me to wonder what he was listening to them say. I pulled my wand from the inside of my shirt and did the same as him. Not knowing of the spell before Draco said it, I prayed to Merlin I heard him say it right before and after I casted it.

"Loqueris adme," I whispered as I pointed my wand towards the professors.

"Do you not think so?" McGonagall asked in disbelief as if it was right in my ear, despite her being so far away.

"It's unlikely," Professor Slughorn said.

"It's too likely," Snape corrected.

"Y/N's unprepared," Slughorn added. I flinched at the sound of my name, not hearing it in so long made it unfamiliar.

"Draco's good for that," McGonagall defended, her voice slowly wavering in each of my ears. I noticed Draco had began to talk to the people around me, but I couldn't hear them just yet.

"I think they're already in love," Professor Sprout spoke for the first time. Her voice was only in my left ear. "They're just so cute."

"What if they're the ones in the prophecy?" Mcgonagall's voice said in my right ear, slowly getting quieter.

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