Chapter XXVI

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"Red! Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to chug your beer," She smirked.

I shrugged before putting the lid to your lips, Draco put his hand on the bottle and pushed it down.

"You can't handle your liquor well," He reminded in a whisper.

"Oh hush, I'll be fine."

I put it up to my lips again and tilted my head back as the liquid poured down my throat. Despite the burn and urge to quit, I continued until it was completely gone.

Once I finished, I put the bottle down with a fake satisfied sigh. Draco watched me cautiously, but said nothing.

"My turn," I smiled. "Draco, truth or dare?"

"Dare," He replied, his eyes set on mine.

"I dare you to..." I stopped to think, but my eyes remained on his. He said nothing, but his eyes dared me to continue. That's when I removed my eyes from his to eye him up and down. He was wearing the black pullover hoodie he put on over his tanktop earlier. I missed seeing him in that tanktop, but knew he wouldn't take it off because he doesn't like showing his tattoo for some unknown reason.

"I dare you to...." I squinted as I looked up at the ceiling, trying to come up with someone.

"Will picking truth make it easier for you?" He asked, expectingly.

"Well," I sucked my teeth. "Yeah."

"Then, I switch."

Pansy interjected, "You can't--"

"--Shh," Bulstrode hushed. "Let the couple decide."

Pansy shut up and I was too busy thinking to care about what they just said.

"So many good questions," I thought out loud befire biting my lower lip. Draco watched with amusement. After pushing many questions aside due to our guests, I finally chose a good one.

"Are you tired?"

"That's your question?" He asked in disbelief. He seemed disappointed, but that could have been me, since I ruined my chance to ask one of my many questions for him.

"You never talk about yourself," I slurred, stumbling over my words a bit. I cleared my throat. "I thought I'd ask. You have to tell the truth, though."

"Or drink y-- OW!" Pansy shouted after Bulstrode smacked her in the back of her head. "Geez."

"I am, actually. I'm going to bed, now." He stood up, and I quickly followed suit.

"I'll walk you."

"To my dorm?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Pansy and Bulstrode made eyecontact, wiggling their eyebrows at each other, which I caught in my peripheral vision.

I nodded, ignoring the other two in the room. "I want to talk to you."

"Oooh, talk-- OW!" Bulstrode whined. I looked behind me to see Pansy glaring at Bulstrode while she held the back of her head, Pansy must have slapped her.

"If you insist," Draco mumbled as he walked up the stairs. I followed behind him with some space between us.

Once we got into his room, I shut the door behind me. Before I could say anything, he spoke first.

"You're stumbling."

"Only a little bit, I'm fine." I smiled at him, to which he sighed at.

I walked up to him and hugged him, he reluctantly returned it. I smiled into his chest.

"What did you really want to ask," He pulled away from the hug. "I'm curious."

"I couldn't decide, there were so many."

"Choose one, and I'll answer." He sat down on his bed and looked up at me.

"You've changed," I brought up. "Why?"

"What do you mean?" He laid down, resting his head on his arms.

"You let me walk in front now, you're more open, you don't get mad as easily, you're.. more comfortable with expressing yourself... and you hang around Crabbe and Goyle way less. I may be drunk, but that only makes me speak with less caution. Ah, I'm so tired." I laid down next to him laid my head on his stomach without even asking first.

"How drunk are you?" He asked without answering.

"Scale of one to ten.. probably eight."

"Will you remember tonight?"

"No ideaa," I dragged out playfully. I stretched my arms above my head, which laid them across the body underneathe me. He didn't mind, though.

"The truth is.." He trailed off.

I sighed, "Don't-- don't force yourself, okay? I don't want to make--" I hiccuped, "Make you uncomfortable." I hiccuped again.

"You're not-- You can't. It's you, Y/N. You're what's changing me. And I know you were curious, so.. I punched my wall earlier because I was pissed."

"At the wall?" I giggled.

"At myself."


"Because I love you."

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