Chapter XXXV

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After that note, I didn't write back. How was I supposed to? His father could have seen and we'd both be in trouble, besides if the Weasleys found out that I was pen-pals with Draco... I dont want to say what would happen.

Two weeks went by quickly, but not one minute of that time did I go without thinking of Draco Malfoy. It was my last day with the Weasley's and the weighing guilt of leaving Malfoy on delivered was making it hard to sleep. So I wrote to him.

     I miss you--

Bloody hell, I'm too tired for this. Why was that the first thing that came to mind? How pathetic.

     I've changed my mind, there's no need to talk about that thing when we go back. It's stupid and irrelevant to both of us.
How has your break been, did your father's coworkers leave yet?
I know you told me to continue writing to you, but I was worried y̶o̶u̶'d̶  I'd get punished. You're alright though, I hope? Better not have missed me too much, Malfoy. ;)

P.S I don't have a P.S, I just wanted to fill this empty space at the bottom.
            -Ur pen-pal <3

I put the letter in the same envelope Draco sent his in. I kept it in my bag, same as I did all his other notes. Quickly, I opened the front door and whistled for my owl. It only took a few seconds for her to fly down somewhere from the top of the house. She peed herself on the mailbox and rubbed her head against my hand as a way to show she missed me.

"I missed you too, pretty girl." I smiled as I pet her. A bang from inside the house behind me snapped my back into reality when I remembered i didn't shut the door behind me.

"Quick, take this to him." I gave her the letter and she took off immediately. I'm that moment, i went back inside, but it was too late.

I had been caught.

"Girl, what were you doing outside?" Ginny asked playfully. I let out a sigh of relief, expecting Potter to be the one in the common.

"I was admiring the stars," I sat down on the couch. Harry Potter was sleeping in Ron's room, so I got to sleep on the couch for the last few days.

"Why'd I see an owl fly away?"

"She was admiring them with me."

"Oh, okay.." She passed as if debating on saying something or not, but she must have decided not to say it because she turned and went to the kitchen.

"What are you doing down here anyways?" I asked, changing the subject to her.

"Couldn't sleep," She mumbled add she filled a glass cup with tap water from the sink.

"Are you still embarrassed about what happened on your date with Potter?" I asked, laying my head on the arm of the couch so i could see her better.

She huffed and turned to face me, "It's not fair!" She walked over and sat next to me on the couch in such a way i could tell she was going to go on a tangent. "The rain came out of nowhere and then right as he was about to kiss me, dad pulled up in his flying car! How unromantic is that? And on the whole ride back, dad was asking Harry if he knew what personal space was." She the her hands over her face and laid her head on my lap.

I patted her head, "Hey, it's alright. At least things aren't awkward."

"Of course they are! I haven't talked to Harry in over a week except for when he asked me to pass the salt last night."

"Oh you poor child. If he truly likes you, that situation should be something to laugh about. Just try again!"

"He hasn't even asked me out, how am I supposed to try again?" She looked up at me, hey face was visibly flushed but as far as I could tell, she want crying.

"Girl," I flicked her head playfully. "You know he doesn't have to ask you out, right? Make a move."

She paused, "Wait.. that's actually a good idea. What if he says no?"

"I have a strong feeling he won't."

She sat up, "I need to think on this. See you tomorrow!" She grabbed her cup and went to get room before I could even get another word out. She must have already gotten an idea.

..Make a move?

Man, why can't I follow my own advice?

With a huff at my own stubbornness, I laid down and closed my eyes to rest.


I'm backkkkk! Sorry for going M.I.A 😅

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