Chapter VI

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I watched Draco most of lunch instead of eating. Not in a creepy way, of course. I was just trying to figure him out. We made eye contact a few times, but I don't think he noticed me staring.

I stood up, getting ready to put up my tray, when someone walked into me. Their food went all over my Slytherin robes, and I immediately shot them a stone-cold glare. "Hufflepuff," I hissed.

Cedric looked horrified. "I am so sorry, I didn't see you!" I sat my tray down and pulled out my wand in pure rage, I was about to yell something I would regret, but Snape disarmed me before I could.

"Stop," He slurred. I rolled my eyes, leaving the cafeteria without my wand to avoid being scolded.

I found myself in the girls' bathroom with Moaning Myrtle. "Don't be sad," The ghost said in her eerie voice. "I'm always sad. It's so boring."

I groaned, "Shut up!" I threw a rock that happened to be resting on the ground at her. She began to scream and cry. I didn't care to pay attention to what she was saying, I was too busy trying to get the soup stain out of my robes.

In the end, I was unable to get it out, especially without my wand. I went back to get it, but Professor Dumbledoor took it. He said he'll give it back to me when he's sure I won't hurt Cedric.

I found Draco sitting in the common room when I got there.

"Waiting on me?" I teased.

"You wish, Picasso."

I went to walk past him, but he stopped me with his voice. "Your robes are stained."

"What? Really?" I asked, pretending to be shocked.

"Why didn't you just use your wand?"

"Because Dumbledork thinks I'm going to hurt Cedric if I get it back."

"I could use my wand."

"I don't need your help, Draco."


I walked upstairs and took my robes off in anger. "Bloody Hufflepuff," I cursed.

"I don't need a wand to hurt someone.." I thought out loud. I went into deep thought, debating whether or not I should risk it. It'd be best if I waited, so Dumbledoor doesn't immediately suspect me if Cedric were to supposedly go missing.

I ended up going to bed earlier than normal- I usually do that when I'm unable to handle my anger.

Everything is black. I'm awake, aren't I?
"Hello?" A voice echoed behind me. I tried to turn around, but I'm not even sure if I did. I can't feel or see anything.

"Red, is that you?" The voice called again. I recognized it.

"Dinara! Dinara, it's me!" I called, trying to look for her.

In the distance, I could see some light start to fade in. The light got bigger and bigger, until it shaped itself out to look like Dinara.

"You did this to me!" She yelled, her eyes getting bigger. Her left eye wouldn't stop twitching as she smiled eerily.

"You drank it out of your own will!" I defended myself.

"Because I trusted you." She slowly said, her face changing into the one she had before drinking the elixir.

"Well, that was your mistake," I blamed.

"You're right." She smiled eerily again, but her eyes remained filled with sorrow.

"I deserved to die," She began. "But so do you!" She lunged herself at me, and I jumped back just in time. I looked down and was able to see myself, and there was a wand in my hand.

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