Diary Log #8

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I left my diary at Hogwarts so I'm stuck with this random piece of paper I found. I go back to Hogwarts today... I haven't been away from that school in so long that it feels won't to go back now. It's like I left behind everything bad there, there's only one thing that I miss from there.

Draco. I would kill just to see him look at me again. The way his eyes set on me and noticed me, it's unlike anyone else. I've seen that look in Fred a few times but it's different with Draco, I feel so alive under his gaze. I feel confident.

I don't want to exist without him anymore, is so painful. I don't feel real without him, it's like my life is a fever dream. I don't know how I'm going to survive if I lose ever him.

I've got to go now, hopefully I'll see him soon.

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