Idk what title it should be

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His skin felt like it was on fire. His senses were overloading. Every little thing set his skin alight. Even the sweat that rolled down his face. Not like he could do anything though, he was chained to the wall. The chains are in to his skin, eliciting a hiss.

"Ah, I see you're awake." A gruff voice says and for a moment, Sam froze.

That voice sounded so much like-

That son of a bitch.

"I would say I'm pleased to see you but then that would be lying."

The capture scoffs.

"Respect your Captain." He growls.

"You aren't Captain America and you won't ever be."

"Who's the on who has the shield?"

"Your YouTube history is full of diy make your own shield, isn't it?"

"I'll have you know, I'm quite proud of making this."

"That doesn't mean shit."

"Bucky will-"

"Oh, I forgot to say, I have him under my control." He says smugly and fear sank deep into his core.

"You what?"

Without another word, Bucky steps out of the shadows.

Oh no. "You little shit!" He snarls before continuing, "what have you done-" He's cut off by a slap and if Sam didn't have such a watchful eye, he would've missed the slight flinch.

Okay, so he isn't...

Sam's eyes widen in realisation.

Playing along, he sees Bucky's stuff nod. His eyes flicker back up to the spangly little shit.

"What the fuck have you done!"

A smirk appears and Sam wants to slap it off.

"Soldier, you know what to do." He growls.

John has gone out of his mind. Ever since he lost Hoskins, John hasn't been the same. Could you blame him though? Him and Battlestar had been through everything.

"Oh shit." He whispers his eyes widening.

As soon as John left the room, Bucky's at his side immediately.

"Are you hurt?"

"Yeah, my ego took the brunt though." Bucky smirks, his eyes twinkling in mischief.

"So wait, how did John know the trigger?"

Bucky stops, wracking his brain for a possible answer.

Though nothing came to mind.

"I don't know but are you sure he didn't hurt you? If so, I will kill him." Sam smiles a lazy smile. Guess all the stress tires him. When he had seen Bucky emerge out from the shadows like a cliche surprise, he had immediately thought the worst.

Bucky's changed though.


Sometimes, he can see glimpses of The Winter Soldier in his best friend but still, he couldn't swallow the panic and the fear he felt. Bucky wouldn't hurt him intentionally.

"What's going on in that brain of yours?" He can hear Bucky asks. "Oh, just thinking."

He would tell Bucky, but he doesn't want to hurt his feelings.

"You were scared, weren't you?" He states, his voice startling the man. "Well, yeah. Considering how we first met, you ripped the steering wheel out of the car..."

"You know I wouldn't hurt you, right? Or I would try everything to make sure I don't hurt you."

Sam nods, his legs giving out and if it weren't for Bucky's strong arm around his waist, he would've fallen over like a bread slice.

Not pleasant.

"You weigh a ton-"

"Dude, you're a super-soldier, you should be able to carry my weight!"

The rest of the way was uneventful, Sam still grumbled about weighing too much only to be silenced with a peck on the lips.

"Stop bitching and moaning."

Sam shuts up with a huff.

Sorry for not updating I'm losing motivation and I'm tired but I don't want to sleep.

|| SamBucky (WinterFalcon Oneshots) ||Where stories live. Discover now