Never Introduce Bucky To Crocadile Dundee WIP

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At first, Sam thought it was a good idea to watch Crocadile Dundee with Bucky.  He must admit, it's a good movie, even if he doesn't understand half of the shit they're saying.

But let's get this straight, never EVER get Bucky to watch Crocadile Dundee.


It's been two days since Sam introduced Bucky to the Dundee franchise, and Sam Wilson is currently rethinking life choices. Because Bucky will not shut up. At. All.

Take now, for example. They're currently in battle, your usual cliche bad guys with a hero complex. It was going good, really good, until someone drew a god damn knife to his throat. Don't get him wrong, normally he would disarm the guy but the cold press of a gun to the back of his head has him frozen in place, his wide eyes trying to convey to Bucky to not do something stupid. When the man steps forward, the knife pulls a little tighter against his throat. He grunts, the blade catching on skin, drawing blood.  Sam watches as the eyes of his partner snaps to his throat, his gaze darkening with rage when he sees the blood.

"Tell us where we can find it, and your little friend won't have to die."

And just as Sam thinks this can't get any worse, out of nowhere Bucky draws a fucking machete, and kid you not, quotes, word by word, Dundee's iconic "That's not a knife," He waves the machete in front, "this is a knife."

"Dude!" Sam yells, not even caring about the gun still pressed to his head, hears the tell tale click of the safety going off.

Before Sam can say anything else though, the machete is hurtling the air, hitting the man holding him at gun point .

Sam doesn't wait a second before he's elbowing the man in the stomach, twirling out of the man's grip and twisting his arm.

The man cries, crumbling to the floor in a heap of limbs when Sam kicks at his knee caps.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2022 ⏰

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