the dynasties and their prosperities

33 4 0

crash face
first into
the concrete
so we can
finally feel
the sting
of something

that isn't
nausea or

it kinda
hurts a
little, like
the sting
of vodka
i sipped
when i
was having
a panic attack
on the second
floor at a
when i was
a kid.)

can you please burn me? can you set my skin to sulfur so i might touch the stars again? i don't know what it'll feel like to fall into purgatory but i think it'll be something like making sweet coffee & then eating something sweeter with it so it turns bitter. will the moon feel the cold on my hands?

(why am i even thinking this over?
i've got an essay to write on why homework should be optional.
that's kind of counter productive then, isn't it?
a homework assignment on why we shouldn't have homework?)

maybe i'll turn into something GOLDEN like the dots in the sky that i so badly to hold, to take, to become. i wanted to swallow the stars, i wanted to eat the sun. i wanted to  become something awe-inspiring; a demi-god or some kind of messenger angel: holy, horrible. i'll sharpen my teeth to a hilt, i'll burn myself until i turn to gunpowder and sulfur and my hands will shake with the vigor of holding the sun.

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