sleep in thy bed of sin

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oh breathless nights and misheard sorrows. wails and jeers from the dens hidden amidst the night - moonshine blood and earthly hands dress women and boys in robs of elk-skin and devil-horns. tales of tails and restless days and heavy hearts and heavier footsteps. morals drop and you and me dance a song of death; as the black plague and poison have done before us ― when we dream we dream of running, and when we wake we fall. you stay to the stars as my head lays empty on cobblestone; when you rest my eyes will watch you over cautiously. fear encircling the blood in thin veins of willow boned hearts.

when daylight sobers from the drunken haze of moonshine and starry skies, me and you run away. medows full of corpses and brightly colored clouds -- the sun sets over windmills and farmlands rot away. winter settles into our cracking flesh and gaunt spleens. cold drifts and heaven sneers at us with crinkly wings and golden skin of the sun. sol has shunned the inky canvas of night before it fall once more ― the gods have rewritten history so much that ink can no longer be erased. we dance until we grow numb; deer-horns like wrangled halos above our heads and we are beloved.

your blood spills out purple, violet, and magneta. we are shadows and devils, dancing in the light, living in the darkness. kittens milk-teeth dig into your soul and my heart shatters in its cage. ribs cracked open and silver stones lining willow trees as we sob.

i think you would have cried if you'd known.

we digress, you in my heart, buried at sea. i stay by the medows full of corpses and all things dead, i sleep on cobblestone floors and pretend you're here with me in the wee hours of daytime. dreams are nightmares, but i dream of falling into your arms.

crying out a misheard sorrow to the world― you are gone and i will grieve until i see you once more.

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