Pt 14

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As she opens the shed, it revealed a first-century plane that reminds me of that first aeroplane made by that guy named Wright. It feels nostalgic to look at this plane, it reminds me of where I came from before reincarnating in this world.

now that I think about it, I actually don't know how I died yet, or who killed me and with what purpose. But this world is much peaceful. There are too many wars and bloodshed in my world that living here makes it feel like I'm in daycare. And I don't have anymore purpose on coming back, no one is waiting for me, and my life here is much more interesting than my life in that wretched world.

I inhaled a huge amount of air and then let it all out with a sigh. "are you okay?" Licht suddenly ask me, "why do you ask? I mean I'm okay,"  He looks at me straight in the eye, " it's just, I notice you look a bit down, that's all," I snickered, "stupid, why would I be sad for? I'm happy okay?" I gave him a genuine smile, and in return smiled back. I can't help feeling happy at times like this, even if I die. I'm I reincarnated in this world somehow to meet Licht.

As the red-head girl continues her explanation regarding the mechanics of her 'flying machine' my mind wandered somewhere else. The events before I met Nana and Licht played in my head. The event where I was stuck in that infinite darkness. Those hands that slither when it pulled the man down while he yells. The agonising scream when I wasn't able to help him. What is the abyss??? Why was I there? Questions left unanswered stayed lingering in my head.

If I could go back down to there, in the abyss. Maybe it will give me the answer about my death...

Then a voice snaps me back to reality, and the scene playing in my head disappeared. " hey, are you really okay," I notice that Licht's face is only an inch close to mine. "I- uh I-a eh," For some reason I can't properly speak now, and I usually don't stutter even if I'm talking to someone very intimidating. "wha-what? I'm okay, please do-don't stand too close to me," I look away, to hide my flustered face from him and step backward in order to increase the distance between us. "oh okay, it's just... you keep dozing off that's all, I'm just very worried about you," He said, which in my ears sounds like a sweet melody to me.

"anyways, so what are you planning to do with your flying machine.?" I change the subject, and maintain my focus on the thing in front of me instead. "oh well, to be quite honest I'm not just building this for my own self-satisfaction." She said, looking at her creation. "I want to build this so that people can feel the freedom bird feels, and to be able to look down and travel the world within minutes," She seems very determined to fulfil what she actually says."I wanna make the fantasy that I have a reality," I was in awe by what she said, so was Hina. "but I think you know that flying is illegal in Alcea, it is punishable by death even." Licht's serious voice surprised me. He looks at the girl with an expression I've never seen. "what do you mean? it's not like it's hurting anyone?" Hina said, "I agree, what is so bad about flying?" Licht switches his expression and calmly replied to me and Hina's question. "I don't get the reason behind it, but all I know is, even if it's about fulfilling one's dream, it wouldn't matter to them, they would just kill you," Licht looks down," that's not fair-","I know that, that's why I build this shed to lay low." I look at the girl like she was crazy. "yo-YOU KNEW ALL THIS!? then why even do it if you're putting your life in danger?!" She looks at me bluntly and smiled, "because there are some dreams worth risking your life for,"

For some reason, that exact sentence brings a certain memory, but it was too blurry to even decipher what it was about... I gave her a sympathetic look.

"Please, even if it causes my life, help me achieve my dream," she bowed and I reply, "I'll do all I can to help you," with a smile, I put my hand on her shoulder and showed her my support.



Sorry, it took this long for me to update again. I was tryna finish a project me and my friend have started.

here is some of my work.... cant really be proud of this one.

anyways, hope yall had a wonderful day and enjoyed this chapter

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anyways, hope yall had a wonderful day and enjoyed this chapter... ☺️☺️☺️☺️

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