Pt 7

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We chased Licht for about 1 minute or more until he stops. The girl wearing a short skirt, almost inviting people to look at her undies still tried to run up to Licht, But Licht looks disturbed.

He pushes me, the two militaries and the people back, right before black spheres of iron appeared from the ground, jabbing him.

His pudding suit was so wreaked, while his body hung lifelessly.

or so I thought.

everyone thoughts were is he dead, my thoughts were why is playing dead?

right after that, a whole bunch of military, including the guy named Jail arrived. Taking extra precautions, I tried to blend myself in the crowd of normal people.

I don't wanna get caught because of Licht's stupidity.

If only I have some sort of mask, I thought. I tried to think of that one mask I used to save Hina, teleport it on my hand, and wear it. extra more precautions...

The short-skirt, girl who was with the military-run towards Licht, asking him if he was ok, and then turned around to the guy named Jail, and started speaking. " You've gone too far, lieutenants!" She spoke with confidences.

The guy named Jail look at her in an intimidating way. I put my dagger on my hand just in case the situation gets uglier.

"it was our order to arrest the guy, not to impale him!" she continued talking, but the guy named jail ignored her and started ordering his men to surround Licht.

Following their Lieutenant's order, all the men surround Licht in a circle formation.

"why are you trying surround him?! his unconscious and won't be able to escape!" her eyes were filled with agitation. The guy named Jail spoke, "are you blind, or just plain clueless?" He look at her with a glare the sends everyone shivers.

"If he insists on continuing this act, and continue faking it, the next attack won't miss, " He look at Licht once again.

Light spoke, "oh well, I tried, " he stood up, took off his already ripped pudding suit. "you should've pretended I was dead, now you'll regret not letting me get away, " Licht's eyes show deadliness.

"Attack!" The guy named Jail yelled, as all the soldiers started piercing Licht with their long spears.

Although I wasn't worried about Licht, I was worried about the girl who was all in the middle of the attack.

I teleported myself to the girl and grab her by the collar, away from the attack, and threw her outside the circle the military formed around Licht.

They were all still throwing their attacks towards Licht, not realising that I was their too, a civilian that might've gotten hurt or injured from their ignorance. I was perfectly fine, but still, they should think about where they're piercing their spears.

And then the guy named Jail yelled, "stop!" right after that, Licht did his big attack and swing his sword downward, blasting every military at sight.

"showoff, " I whispered, he gave me a smirk. "I'll handle him, " Jail walk towards us, looking at us both, Licht specifically.

We both look at each other and smiled. "yeah, well. I don't think I want you handling me, go handle yourself," Jail stared Licht in eye. The tension between them was very tense. You could even cut it with a butter knife. As I watch them for awhile, I got bored, so I decided to break the ice.

"I'm still here," I said, feeling leftout after watching Licht and Jail stare at each other for 10 whole minutes. It almost seems like theres some bromance going on that I didn't know.

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