Pt 21

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Y/N's POV:

As me and Lin search for ingredients my mind wondered somewhere else, or to a certain someone with blue hair. Man the image of her face is burning inside my head. I shake the thought of Hina and instead focus on gathering whatever I can gather for cooking.

As it seems, Lin knows which ingredients to pick and which isn't good. I mean if she wants to cook with the freshes vegetable then sure, but that ain't my style. We go cheap or we go home!

As Lin look for more ingredients the vegetable stall owner complimented her on how cute she is and how lucky her husband is. I mentally vomited as the middle age old man complimented her.

I was honestly expecting a shy "thank you" from her but well... She did, but she also followed that with a kick. She apologised after and get going with her plan and walked back towards the plaza where everyone is waiting for us to cook.

I dragged my feet across every stall looking for the cheapest/affordable ingredients possible, then boom! I saw one in the corner of the street, and its run by an old woman. Her vegetables are very... sick. But its cheap! and who doesn't like cheap? not me.

I walk towards her and bought all her onions as they weren't as bad as the other vegetables thats she sells. I look towards the stall besides her that sells meat then back to her own meat, and immediately sees the differences between the expensive stall and the old woman's run down stall. I payed for the onions the green and white one and moved on to the ✨expensive✨ stall and bought the meat there. It was, without a doubt over my budget, but I'd rather feed Licht with sick onions than feeding him with a meat that carries diseases.

And besides, if he does get sick that means I'll have to look after the bastard! I'd rather spend a few coins than go cheap with meat that carries potential virus. no comprendo amigo.

As I finish buying everything, I head back to the plaza where Lin had started cook and Hina, still nowhere to be found. Welp, I better start cooking.

I was about to cook when Hina arrived, carrying a cart  with a dead bear and a boar. Everyone watched in amusement and in horror. I mean how the fuck did she caught a bear, with her scrawny body of hers?! I understand Lin, but Hina? no way Jose.

"this one likes to use exotic ingredients," Say the guy who suddenly is standing besides Lin. That hell did he came from? I didn't even notice his presence.

I snapped back to reality and focus on my dish that Im cooking. It seems Hina is very well trained or versed with hunting. I didn't really expect that from her specially when she was so vulnerable during the rescue when she got scammed by the asshat military dude. But I guess I was to quick to judge her, she is still very naive but, I respect her... maybe.

As I finish cutting the onion and dicing up the meat, I prepared the rice, rinsing it, then measuring the rice to water ratio with my fingers, just like the good ole method my grandma taught me.After that I put the pot with rice and water on the box stove, letting it simmer until its all fluffy and cooked to perfection.

Everything has to be perfect, I can't let them win, my pride and ego will be shatter and my self-esteem will cripple to the ground, I am the cook of the fine mobile of Nana, therefore I shall exceed the expectations of Licht's taste buds.

I focus and focus until I got interrupted by gasping sound of audience and Lin, who's focus remain on Hina, butchering the living sh*t out of that poor bear. She cut the bear limp from limp, skinning it while she put on an innocent smile, humming a tune you will hear from a kid. The terrified look was planted on everyone's face, even mine. I- wha- What the heck!

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