Pt 6

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after Licht left, me and Nana continued the business like normal. Hina joined us, and work for Nana as well since she wanted to find Licht, she needs Nana and mine's help. Time to time, Soldiers will stopover in front of the mobile bar stand to ask if we have seen him. But, for his sake, we would lie and tell them different stories whether or not we don't know him, or he's just a regular customer.

As I wash all the dishes, Hina stop for a quick rest, she looks very exhausted. I walked towards her "are you doing good?," I ask her, she looks at me and smiled, "yep, I'm actually enjoying working here, even though it's my first time," she snickered, I smiled in return, then continued washing the leftover dishes, but I notice her turning from a very enthusiastic girl, into a gloomy, concerned girl.

"you're worried about Licht, aren't you?" She looks at me and nods, "w-when can we go out and look for him?", "I still don't know," my answer was vague.

"Nana, Hina wants to know when we can go look for Licht!" Nana look at me, "well, we have to save money for the trip first, so maybe a few more days," her answer was vague too.

Hina look down, "well, I guess I have to work harder to earn money faster," she said, determination written all over her face.

Me and Nana giggled...

Once I finished washing all the dishes, I decided to help Hina with the food. The day was going out so well when a group of soldiers arrived. All the costumers we have left the scene, due to fear of getting arrested.

Nana looks at me.

I walk towards the guy who seems to be the leader of the bunch. "hello sir, what do you want for your order?" I ask him, acting as if nothing special was taking place.

be careful Y/N, that's lieutenant Jail Murdoch, also known as Iron Jail, he's very strong, Nana said telepathically, to avoid arousing suspicion.

"I'm not here to order, I'm here for the man on this poster," his stern voice sends anyone chills down their spine.

I look at the poster he put on the table, Licht!

"Oh, I see, well I'm sorry to disappoint you good sir, but I haven't seen the man on this poster for quite some times, He just suddenly disappeared," I said, walking away, but was stopped. A dark iron grew up my legs, restraining me from further moving.

"don't lie to me," he said sending me glares that kills. I look at him with the same death glare.

"my Lacky's provides me with accurate reports, you claim you know nothing, But I know that's not the truth. So tell me, or else," I clenched my fist and shrugged my shoulder.

"Last I heard he was heading towards East, that's all," I said, trying to act.

He stood up, Yes, he bought the lie

" you hear that men," in unison, all of them said "sir!", "she said he was heading towards East, we go West," I look at him, "what the-" with that, large black iron spear, sprung up from the ground, destroying everything, including Nana's mobile bar stand.

I freed myself from his black iron and check if anyone who had been hit by his iron, injured. Luckily, no was hurt, just our pride. Nana looks furious. "Nana, I'm gonna follow them," I said, She looks at me then nodded, "if you have to," she said.

I disappeared...

( ◑‿◑)ɔ┏🍟--🍔┑٩(^◡^ )

After running for maybe an hour, I arrived at this weird town up the mountain. The soldiers were still trying to get up the mountain, so as an advantage, I teleported myself up, without letting them know.

while I successfully teleported my way up, I notice that a girl was chasing a man in a pudding suit.

That's gotta be Licht, it has to...

I teleported myself up more, to avoid the weird scenario, and watch.

I notice more and more people had joined the cat and mouse chase.

when they all stop, the pudding man disappeared.

"Y/N!," I look behind me to see Licht, wearing a pudding costume.

I knew it

"what are you doing here?!, did you miss me so much you had to follow me all the way here?" he took off his weird mask and look at me with sparkling eyes. "shut your trap," I hit his head with full force.

He looks at me again, but this time his eyes were sparkling with tears, "then, why are you here?" he said. "I'm here to warn you, there some soldiers going here that is after you, there being led by a guy named Jail," I look at him bluntly.

"you traveled all the way here to warn me?! you cared for me that much?" I look at him, trying not to make him think of the wrong idea, "well, you're my friend so, it's normal to worry," I said, monotoned.

He looks down, then smiled. After that, he walks towards the edge of the cliff and watches all the people down the mountain, wore his mask and then jump down.

what the heck is he doing!!

I watch him, fall until he reach the ground. Once he got to where the people was gathered, I followed him, but hid amongs the crowd, to avoid attention.

what the hell is he doing?

I look at him, holding a doll, with no head. He's trying to fix it!

I creep a smile, knowing how he'll blow his cover by jumping down in the middle crowded place, with two miltary and a bunch of people, just to fix a little girls doll, he's such an eccentric man.

Suddenly, his attention went to me, I knew underneath his mask he's smirking.

Once he fixed the doll, the chase begins it's coarse again, with me tagging along.

I don't know why, but I completely forgot why I was even in here, I just know that I'm having so much joy.



ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘ another chapter has been finished, sorry for making any of you's (whoever is reading this crap) wait, we finally get to go to school cause there's no more lockdown where I live, thus I have so much school work to catch up on.

anyway, Thank you for reading this piece of junk, *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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