Pt 20

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Y/N's POV:

What the hell!  what have I gotten myself into? for fuck sake... The townsfolk gathered around as Nana Announce a special event throughout the town. Everyone cheered, with all the men drooling over Lin and Hina, and well me I guess?. But that's not the point! what even is this, and how did Nana even do this in the shortest amount of time?. sigh

Every crowd focuses on us, watching us like prey as Nana became the hose of this... well I don't even know. " Everyone welcome to this fine cooking show where 3 lovely women compete for this young man's adoration!" She pointed at Licht, who sat there dumbfounded. wait did she just say adoration?

Excitements filled the plaza as everyone shouted and whistled in amusement.

"Who will win Licht?... Will it be Hina?, Lin or our lovely cook and waitress, Y/N!?" Lin looked at me, "you're a cooked??? I thought you're chasing him down because of a dept?" I scratches my head and giggled awkwardly. well, I am officially exposed. "I am, he always steals food from the mobile so, uh yeah," She look at me but still gives me the benefit of the doubt.

Nana continued to talk, " This cooking battle will determine the victor, now ladies, let us all begin!" as she excitedly clap her hands together. "This event will get me so much profit from customers who'll buy drinks while watching this shit show," I look at Nana in disbelief. so that's the deed? she did this for the profit!... damn I never thought Nana would be such an entrepreneur.

I shrugged it off and went along with it cause I will also benefit from this. The more money the better Nana can pay me.

Every man and women bought their drinks as they focus their attention on the show. Each of them shouting the names of the person their betting on. "wait. I have to cook?" Hina looked at Nana with a clueless expression, with a Lin who also doesn't seem to process what's currently going on. Can't blame them tho, everything happened in the blink of an eye.

"Come on guys don't over think it. What's important is at the end of this one of you's win Licht," She snicker in the most evil way possible. I mentally facepalm myself. This is my life now...

"we'll serve him to you rare, well-done or however you like," Following that sentence with a smirk. " yeah well, I'm not really desperate of his attention-," Hina cut off Lin's sentences, "Okay I accept!" which shocked Lin. Hina really want Licht... well, shes got courage.

"I don't really get this. But it seems like it's a good opportunity to cook delicious food for Licht, and I wanna make him happy as much as I can," She said, crowds in awe on how sweet and adorable she is. My eyebrows twitched, agitated somehow. Everytime Licht's name comes out of Hina's mouth I get so frustrated. I snatch back from reality as the crowd grew larger, and cheers grew louder.

"then I'm in too!" Lin said in the most enthusiastic way possible. "well we have two girls already in. How about you Y/N?" Nana ask, Licht looking at me. "yeah I guess. Sure why not," I said, the crowd's shouting with joy and excitement as the betting begins.

"lets get down to business then, shall we ladies?" Nana declare, handing us aprons with Hina's one having a white apron with a cute bear design on the chest, Lin's with the type of maid apron kind of style, and mine velvet colour, and a black ribbon on the waist area.

"Your first challenge is gathering ingredients! begin now!" as she clung together her ladle and her iron cooking pan. All three of us spread out, with Lin and I going towards the town market and Hina, towards the woods. what is she planning to get in the woods? that girl is strange.



Again, thank you for sticking around and having a lot of patience. I will try to update as much as I can. ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎

 ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎

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