Pt 11

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Licht's POV:

"My head hurts," I whined, rubbing my head continuously to ease the pain throbbing on my noggin.

"do you really have to smack me that hard? what if I get a head injury?!" she looked at me, her eyes shooting daggers at my head. "IT'S YOUR FAULT FOR BEING A PERVERT," I look at her and she looks back, "what?! you gonna do something to me?!" I shake my head and chuckle a little.

We walk together on the vast land of grassy fields. It was a peaceful, warm day. Nothing will ever ruin this day until I hear a loud voice calling my name. I spoke too soon

Me and Y/N look behind us in sync, to see a petite-looking girl walking towards us. she looks familiar

"I finally found you," She looks at me and smiled. "Uhm, who are you again?" Y/N shakes her head out of disappointment, while the petite girl started pouting.

"you seriously that clueless? It's Hina, the girl you saved awhile ago," Y/N spoke with mild intimidation. Hina?, Hina who???

Then like a train. It hit me, That's right, she was that stupid kid who was dumb enough to believe that fraud asshole. How did I not remember?!

"I remember now," her pouts disappeared, and suddenly smiled.

"I looked everywhere for you," She said, giving off a smile. I smiled back, awkwardly. Meanwhile, I see Y/N in the corner of my eyes staring intently at Hina. Is she okay?

"anyway, we should move on now. We should be going, Nana has been worried about you guys," she holds my wrist and pulled me somewhere. I look at Y/N who was following behind us.



"Y/N, I was worried sick about you," Nana ran to me and held me into a tight hug, almost as if she was trying to suffocate me with her love.  "Na-na, I-can't-breathe," Nana let go of me and snicker. "oh sorry, I was just so worried," she said which was nice.

"I'm sorry," I did a 90-degree bow in front of her, " I promise, I didn't do anything reckless," she smiled, and pats my head like a big sister.

Then she notices something. "What is this?" she held my bandaged, arm and look at me furiously. I look at Licht. "Licht...". "I swear I did nothing, it was the Jail gu-" Licht explained but he was cut off by a karate chop on the head. On the exact spot, I hit him.

"AHHHHOWWWWWWW, What the hell is wrong with you-," Licht looked at Nana but was disrupted by Nana's intense look and dark aura.

I mean if look could slice people, Licht would be mincemeat by now...

"Forget it, what happens - happens, we can't change the past. Now for you," Nana looked at me with her intense look, but her face turned soft, "Go in the mobile and start cleaning up your wounds, you never know when you an infection," She said, patting me on the head as a big sister would. It's kinda comforting how much she cared.

"thank you, Nana," I hurry and clear up, "oh and can I borrow some clothes too?" I look at her and gave me a smile while nodding.

I ran into the mobile car and quickly did everything she asks me to do.


Licht's POV:

"my head~,",I moan and groan continuously, "stop whining you useless prick, its your fault," Nana yelled at me, enough to make my head ache even more, whilst Hina giggled.

"anyways, Licht I'm so sorry for all the trouble I've caused, because of me the armies are after you," She bowed at me, chanting 'I'm sorry again and again. "don't worry about it, I'm completely fine," not... because of you I'm being chased down by an annoying piece of shit. That four-eyes will pay for hurting Y/N.

"He's fine, listen to him," Nana smile at Hina sweetly, " He's practically made a hobby out of being chased by the army," Nana said, following that with a laugh which me and Hina did as well.

this is so freaking awkward

"I can't say I can brag about it," I scratch my head awkwardly, feeling very uncomfortable by this girl's present.

"I heard you had a great time though, Licht," Nana said, talking while drinking her fill. "You and Y/N started a huge commotion that got the army's attention," Nana continued to speak. 

"I heard you and Y/N faced off the infamous iron jail to protect a girl you didn't know," she finished her drink as she continues to speak. "rumors say after you ran from him, he set off a bunch of roadblock throughout the town, and the neighborhood town too,".

"Wow, I feel kinda special. I can't believe he would go to such an effort," I sniffled then look at Hina who seems to be pouting.

"I guess roadblock wouldn't matter to you and Y/N tho, cause you don't take major roads," she refilled her drink and continue on drinking again.

"ahaha, yeah I hear yeah, we had a really long trip so I'm very hungry. So can I please have something to eat?" I stood up from where I was seated and run towards the mobile car where I can get my food, but I was stopped by a wooden cup shoved on my face, bruising it.

"you're no longer allowed to eat or try eating any of the foods here for free, if you wanna eat you have to bring-me-cash... GOT THAT," I look at her like a beggar," But- I'm broke," Nana furrowed her eyebrows, " then do something about it, fix your own problems instead of WHINING," she said raising her cup as I flinch. I looked at her, pouting as I rubbed my sore face. "Now go and get some firewood, get yourself useful for once," She said, demandingly.

I stood up and obeyed her orders like a dog, if I don't do anything she wants me to do she'll kill me of hunger for sure.



Hello kiddie winkles, I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME THIS LONG TO UPDATE, I'M VERY VERY SORRY... anyway I'll update as quickly as possible hope you guys will still read it.

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