Pt 16

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Licht's POV:

This scenery reminds me of when I first met Y/N when she was unconscious and was still afraid. The air is so fresh. I began looking at Y/N to see her laying down on the grass peacefully. She looks like she's deep in her thoughts. "hey Licht," I snap back to reality to see Hina looking deep into my eyes. "uh, yes?" she then leaned closer to me, "Do you... like Y/N," with that question, my body acted on impulse and began heating up. Blood fills up my face, as it turns red. "I- uh... what makes you ask such ridiculous question?" she looked down, "so you do, huh? it's fine you don't need to worry about it," she said. Then I notice Y/N standing up and walking away.

I stood up as well but was interrupted by the red-head chick, "I finally finished it guys, wait where's the other girl?" I wonder that as well, I look around to see her pop up behind the red-head chick, "I'm right here, I just took a stroll," she said. Suddenly her expression changes and her gaze is set behind me. I turn around to see what she was looking at, and notice groups of soldiers coming towards us with expressionless faces. "I should've known they'd be here. Well at least I got to do a few test flights first," the girl sighed heavily. 


As the group of soldiers got closer, me and Licht prepared ourselves for a fight by drawing our weapons. He draws his long sword, whilst I drew my black dagger. Hina ran towards the red-head girl to tell her to hide herself and her invention. But then Licht turned around and started running towards the girl, with the intention of striking her, "Hey! what the hell-" before I could finish my sentence he'd already struck, not at the girl, but to her invention, she worked hard on. 

I grabbed Licht by the collar and yelled at him, "why the fuck would you do that!?" I ask, furious and driven by anger, "The enemy is out there behind you, idiot! why would you-" then I was cut off by the red-haired girl, "It's fine," she said while smiling. "I- I don't get it, it's your hard work, your dream, you can't just let anyone destroy it," She turned around to look at me while smiling. "I see," I lay off Licht and stood there to wait for the group of soldiers to arrive, and they did.

"We have received reports that you're researching flight dynamics," the leader, I assumed said as he draws his sword. "huh? what report? I hadn't had time working on anything but this," she said, pointing at her broken invention. "well- uh, what is that?" asked the leader of the group, "It's a windmill," she said, smiling. The soldiers put their swords back to their sheet and let us off with a warning and left. 

"Im sorry," Licht suddenly started talking, "No, it's fine I understand," She look at the sky and watch the bird flew by, "if the test flight was successful, and I successfully had the chance to fly, they would've been a lot of witnesses, and I could've been executed immediately," I clench my fist in frustration, that such stupid law is made. "you've made the right call, besides this is the end of the line for me," as she rolled her sleeves down to show us her count changing from 1 to 0. 

As the number 0 appeared on her shoulder, a black portal I recognized appeared below her, as black hands slither on her to pull her down. "No, stop let her go," Hina yelled, while tears rolled down her face. "no it's fine, I can go happily knowing my last work would be a success," she said, smiling "by the way I haven't told you guys my name yet, its Palma,". "c-can't we save her?" Hina asks as she watches the red-haired girl getting pulled down. I watch in horror as she smile even in the face of death. "no, please- NOOOOOOO!" Hina started running towards Palma but I pushed her enough for her to fall on the grass and run myself, "wait- Y/N what are you doing!?" Licht yelled as he followed, but he was stopped by the black hands. When the black hand hit him it disorientated him. Like he was being electrocuted. "no, Licht stop, it's okay, I'm going to save Palma, also tell Nana I left her money on the counter," I gave him a smile before jumping into the abyss before it closes. 

Licht's POV:

As Y/N jumped in, promising me and Hina that she will save Palma, that's when I last saw her, "No, Y/N!!!" I tried to go into the abyss with her but the hands keep interfering. With every hit from those black hands, painful memories come into my head. no, Y/N. This is all my fault. 




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