Do people even get where this is going?

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I am going to say something now so that I've said it. I want it recorded. I want to look back on it and know I at least said something, whether anyone reads it or not.

If the Republicans ever gain the power of the presidency again, I truly believe that our country as we know it is over. After Cheney was kicked out an hour ago, that sealed it for me. If you don't know what that's about, look it up. They have sold their souls to Trump and most of the party is delusional. Delusional. As in mentally incapable of seeing the difference between reality and fiction. To be fair I believe that some, most politicians I would say, don't actually believe Trump won the election but they are too power hungry to argue and risk Cheney's fate (and likely Mitt Romney's very soon).

This pandemic is not going to end. You think you're safe because you're vaccinated? Not if half (or even a third) of this country is never going to take the vaccine! Variants will flourish as the virus continues to spread among them, and this vaccine will eventually become useless to standing up to future variants. That is what viruses DO. They EVOLVE. They figure out how to get past vaccines. Why do you need a flu shot every year? Because every year, the flu changes and makes last year's shot useless. We cannot afford to just ignore these people. They are a threat to democracy, a threat to public safety, a threat to equality and freedom.

Do you know how deeply the religious right has embedded themselves into the Republican party? Honestly, I didn't. I'm currently reading a book called The Cult of Trump that is an exceptional study of what is going on right now with the Republican party and Christianity. Their goal is dominionism. In other words they want a theocracy, a "kingdom of God on earth." This is not speculation. If you research, you will find all of this. 

What rights will you lose in a theocracy? I'll start with the obvious. LGBTQ rights. Abortion. Those two will immediately go. Brainwashing conversion programs for atheists, pagans, Muslims and feminists to name a few. Women will be encouraged to stay home and either work from home or not work at all. Children will be forced to practice Christianity in public schools. Modesty rules for women's clothing in public. Losing protections from domestic abusers. Controlled speech, controlled thought, controlled lives.

I am not a fearmonger. They are closer than ever to accomplishing this. They have been actively trying since the 80's, and they are closer than ever. If things go bad, we could see this change in our lifetimes. If things continue to slowly deteriorate, our children or grandchildren could see this in their lifetimes. 

We need to bring back critical thinking and limit the power of the church in this country. Separation of church and state is apparently not enough. Christians have managed to win cases that say public stores can now refuse service to people based on religious convictions. DOCTORS can now refuse to treat people based on religious convictions. 

If you don't believe me, I want you to go to this website: snopes dot com. Snopes is a fact checking website that I have used for more than a decade. Basically, you can look up various claims or things you're hearing about and search them on Snopes. The site will tell you if the claim is true or false. They will also explain the actual reality of the situation without exaggeration, political bias or fearmongering. Furthermore, they cite reputable sources so you can do further research. This could be the most important website on the internet going forward into this new world.

Look up every single thing I've said and see for yourself what is going on. Education is key. There are not enough people talking about this. It is a very real and present threat. 

I've said my piece. I've pointed you in directions to do your own research. Believe what you will. But I've honestly never been so afraid in my life about the future of this country. 

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