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Jungkook POV

I place the last book onto my shelf satisfied.

The books are sorted by alphetical order of their titles, only the bottom shelve organized in order of the week for my classes.

My trusty dark blue bedsheet makes me feel more at home along with the little cactus on my bedside table.

His name's Karl.

I'm not good at keeping plants alive so I got him a year ago and as of now he's good.

I finished organising my neatly folded jeans by how much I like them and the tops by color yesterday evening.

Posters of famous sport stars are placed perfectly symmetrical on the wall behind my bed and my pencilcase sits perfectly straight against the wall on my desk.

That's how it has to be.

Organized Room, organized brain.

Taehyungs room looks like there's been a explosion.

His clothes lay around everywhere, even contaminating the living room couch, paintings and pictures stuck to the wall messily.

There's colored pencils and tubes of paint along with brushes spread on the desk, books acting as a table to put more art supplies.

I don't know how he finds anything in that chaos. From what I've seen he's really creative.

Anything can inspire him, something as simple as a the delicious pizza I ordered for the both of us yesterday.

We're the complete opposites.

But as of know we seem to work together quote well.


"Wake up Taehyung!" I try to shove him as softly as possible but still waking him up.

I've got Taehyungs timetable for his classes and he's not good at waking up early enough.

Regardless to my tries he remains dead to the world, snoring slightly in his sleep.

Man he sleeps deeply.

"Wake up!" I yank on his blanket to hopefully finally get him to open his eyes.

He does seem disturbed by the cold touching his naled legs but unfortunatly it doesn't call out the reaction I hoped for.

"Cold" he mumbles to himself, flinging his arms around to find the blanket.

I can't help but hold my laugh at his half asleep actions.

The laugh suddenly gets stuck in my throat, going over to an awkward cough.

I'm sure Kim Taehyung is still in his half asleep star of mind.

Since I took his hug pillow from him earlier he has resorted to holding onto my hand.

His fingers slide in-between mine smoothly like we've done this 1000 times already.

For some reason It can't seem to move from the spot.

My eyes don't leave his face, my heart racing.

His hair is even more of a mess now, a little smile settles on his lips, nose disappearing into his cushion.

And he smiles, adorably, holding onto my hand tightely and pulling it closer to his face.

It makes me melt.

His little unconcious smile as he holds my hand close to his face reminds me of a little child.

Looking like a little innocent angel sleeping, cute smile.

What am I doing?

Watching a friend while he's asleep.

I'm being extremely creepy.

I quickly free my hand from his soft grip, which finally pulls Taehyung out of sleep and into this world.

"Get up!"

I quickly turn away and escape into the open planned eating area of our flat.

But I can't escape my thoughts.

Why did I do that?  I can see myself that Taehyung is an attractive guy, but I didn't look at him like this before.

My heart raced as I was admiring his sleeping features like an absolute creep.

"Hmm.... Smells like omelet'" Tae plops down on the kitchen barstool across from me, hair less like a bush now.

"Thank you" he smiles like before again, cheeks stuffed full of the omelet I made.

I laugh and my heart feels all warm and full.

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