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Jungkook POV

And soon enough Taehyung has disappeared, nowhere to be found.

Babysitting me my ass.

I stay away from the dancing crowd in the middle and I stead join a lovely potted plant in one corner to get away from all the mess.

A waiter swings by, giving me a amused smile before handing me a terribly red looking Drink before wooshing by.

What is all that stuff anyway?

Every waiter seems to have a different colour drink to serve.

Is it like skittles or fruit loops?

Kneeding to taste them all to differentiate between the flavours or if they're all the same anyway?

Well one glass won't kill me, right?

And how wrong I was.

Everything seems to spin, the loud noise far away for a moment before it hits suddenly.

Suddenly the idea of dancing, having fun and letting go for once doesn't seem so bad.

I stumble with unsure steps over to the crowd, passing Seokjin on my way.

I join the rythm of the sweaty bodys, letting myself go with the music, completely forgetting to care about how stupid I must look.

Someone is suddenly behind me, hands on my shoulders.

It feels good. Their warmth, big hands holding my shoulders protectingly.

I move back to meet the other person's body, loving all the warmth they send out.

I earn a satisfied hum as I press all of my form into the warmth behind me.

Hands moving to hold me comfortably around my waist.

"Let's go home" the person whispers info my ear, voice familiar.

"Whatever you say" I turn around, meeting eyes with my flatmate.


Our body's are still so close, his chest against mine, leg in between mine.

His hair is messy, shirt only hanging.losely on his shoulder, eyes glazed over and so dark.

Skin glowing slightly with sweat, the Coors of the lights bouncing off of it softly.

So hot.

So gorgeous.

His lips are red and wet like he was biting them, slightly open like there awaiting.

My body suddenly seems to warm.

Way too hot to stay this close but it's also so good.

His chest burning against mine so nicely, broad and comforting and so hot.

I lick my lips, expectantly watching his gaze travel down my face to rest on my lips like I intended.

I lock my arms around his neck, playing with his soft fiery red hair.

And I want nothing more to taste him.

Taste those plump lips, right there like they're ready for me.

"Kiss me" I breathe out weakly.

His arms tighten, head slowly moving closer to mine.

I close my eyes.

Our lips meet, warm soft and wet.

I press myself against him more, leaning my weight on him instead, pulling on his hair slightly while sucking slightly on his lower lip.

And we kiss and kiss and kiss.

Hands roaming each others body sometimes soft, sometimes more rough.

Swaying to the music every now and then, always pressed together, arms around each other.

And we make our until everything goes blank.

Until my head is completely gone and I can't remember.


I wake up in my own bed, shirtless, but in shorts.

I'm alone tangled in the sheets.

I sit up, struggeling.

It comes flying back too fast. The drinking  the dancing....

The making out.

Holy shit.

We... We did that?

My head hurts.

We didn't do any more, right?

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