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Jungkook POV

In silence I watch as he stays in that corner, rolled up into a little ball swinging back and forth on his heels slightly. "You rang the doorbell." He starts, breathing going in cut off puffs of air.

"It was impossible to get your drunk ass up the stairs" He pauses again, head hiding more behind his kness, shielding his face from my vision.

There must be something wrong with him.
"Taehyung?" I call out carefully. No reaction.
I slide closer on my but carefully, stopping Infront of my flatmate.
His head lifts at the sound eyeseeting mine.

That comforting warm brown is clouded by the tears shining in his eyes, one rolling down his cheeks and disappearing down his neck.

What happened?

Did that half make out session upset him that much?
"What's wrong?" I keep our gazes connected hoping that the caring nature of my actions carry across in my voice.

"I... I have claustrophobia" he breathes out, voice seeming used up.
Fear of small spaces.

This must be torture. Stuck in this tiny elevator, boxed in by 4 metal walls.

"When you were unconscious I focused on your breathing the steady bear of your heart, it distracted me" a whisper, gentle and shaky but seeming almost like an invitation.
"We can do that again if you want" I offer, sliding to sit beside Taehyung, back against the wall.

Wordlessly he moves closer, taking my hand with his shaky ones.
Automatically I get nervous, cheeks heating up and probably tinting a slight shade of pink.
He places two fingers on my wrist under the place wher my thumb is.

You can feel a person's puls there.

Did he do that earlier too, I don't remember. The rest of his fingers rest around my wrist in a gentle hold.

I try to calm my breathing further, knowing that he's close enough to hear it.
Ever so slowly the beautiful face I know returns to it's more relaxed shape, legs slide down to sit normally, tears drying.
His eyes are closed, head leant back beside mine, fingers warm on my wrist.

In this silence my mind wonders back. I pulled him into a kiss. And I was not drunk.
Sure my brain was kinda rattling and the headache suddenly hit me full force but I'm knew what I was doing.
I raced in his features and his eyes pulled me with them, I needed to taste those lips.
There's is no sober, or logical explanation.

Again my love life folders pops up again, the letters Kim Taehyung now written in pretty flowy font.
There's no explation for the madness, no reason.
So why?

My brain leaves me clueless without any reason that makes only remotely sense in any way shape or form.
Even in this extreme drunkenness has my brain never resorted to such measures before. Being the good boy workaholic I am, I don't drink a lot but still...

What happened there?!

Ignoring my internal crisis for now I try to focus on what is happening right now. It must be some hour of the night to early morning and I'm stuck in a quite small elevator with my claustrophobic flatmate. We have no choice as tho to wait for someone to rescue us in a few hours, right? That will be absolute hell for Taehyung, sitting trapped in this tiny space with me.

I don't know if he's stroking hid thumb over the back of my hand purposefully but it definitely throws me back into the situation. Mind blank, heart racing.

„You have such a fast heartbeat, what are you nervous for?"  His eyes move up from our hands together up. Knowing their destination I turn my face to the sid, trying to get my heart into normal speed rhythm again. I fail.

„Don't know" I answer flimsily, pretending to be tired as I lean back against the cold metal with my eyes closed.

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