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Jungkook POV

Life goes on.

After finally being rescued at around like 5 o'clock in the morning everything falls back into its usual cycle.
Class, assignments, homeworks und studying hours on end in the library, eating dangerous amounts of cupped ramen in a record time of 10 minutes and staying up too late.

Exam phase is in full process. As is my stressed brain.  There's one little ray of sunshine like the light at the end of the tunnel every now and then though, thankfully.

Jennie and I have been chatting a lot, a few days making time in our studying schedules to meet. Visiting a café and eat cheese cake, order millions of coffee cups and chatting. Another time we studied along side each other, both complaining about the unimportance of all the information we are trying to squish into our pea brains.
It's nice. She's become a good friend again.

My glorious mother of course also got informed about us, happily calling me and praising me for finally finding a girl a like. And I do like her a lot. But... it's different

The feeling I get with her never reaches the intensity as when I ravel at my flatmates naked upper body, glowing in the morning sun as he stands in our kitchen.

At first we were very awkward after that day but we both wordlessly swore to just forget it ever happened and move on with our lifes. Sometimes we chill on the couch together, watch a movie, gossip about popular students, share food or complain about all the work.

But every few weeks I lose control. My mind slips and I don't think enough.

Watching the elder paint i the living room, not being able to peel my eyes off him as he smiles so brightly, trying to portrait my grimaces. When he wears a too big shirt and his elegant collar bones peek from under the fabric. When we watch something and his head slightly drops on my shoulder.

He's basically driving me insane.

Sometimes my mind goes black when we're together, my usual analytic brain refusing to quickly work out what I should say and how to phrase it without sounding like an absolute moron. I hate when it does that. Everything always has to be in order and this not. It makes me stress.

And midyear exams are stressing me out too.
All in all it's a bit mental at the moment.

„Wanna go on a date kook?" Taehyung eyes remain focused on the tv while I almost fall down from shock.
What is happening here?

Did he just....? So casually?.....

„Jimin and I are inviting you and your gf to go on a double date with us two" He smiles his perfect teeth commercial shining smile again, as he meets my eyes for a millisecond.

„We aren't a couple Taehyung-ah" I sigh, knowing very well what he is trying to do.

He's asked me about Jennie and mines relationship status quite often already. He wants to tease me because he thinks I'm too shy to ask her out on a real date. Not that there isn't a splinter truth in there. If I were to like her more than what we have now, I would never in hell have the courage to ask her out.

„Sure" I nod to myself, returning my focus to the tv.

Maybe if I just try hard enough I'll be able to like her like that. Like Jimin likes Taehyung.

It's time that I at least try for once. Of all the girls I've met in my life so far she's definitely the one I'd fall for. Love needs work so if I try I'll surely fall for her, right?

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