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Jungkook POV

"Did you really have to go that extent?!" we're currently standing infront of the restaurant.

"Well it's way more fun like that." he smiles innocently, bright boxy smile that she's to shine.

Finally our taxi arrives and brings us back tp the flat.

We take the elevator today, too unmotivated to walk the stairs.

"Home sweet home!" Taehyung yeets himself onto the couch after slipping off his shoes, face disappearing in the pillows.

"Let's make this a bro evening!" Taehyung enthusiastically jumps up onto his feet, sliding across the floor towards the fridge.

How does he have so much energy?!

Sure it's only about like 8 in the evening but I'm never this energy loaded.

"You want some beer too?" He asks, remaining almost hidden by the fridge door fromy point of view.

"Yup" I hang my coat on the hook and neatly place my shoes beside the door, also adjusting Taehyungs shoes position.

I plop down on the living room couch, turning on the TV and skipping through channels.

Taehyung falls down into the cushions beside me, show managing to put the beer bottles safely on the coffee table as he does so.

"Thanks" I take a sip, regretting my choice.

I'm not big on alcohol, I don't like how it makes me feel or how it tastes.

I only use it to forget something for a while.

And forgetting that scene, that most definetly will cause and unamused call from my mother, seems like a pretty good idea.

I take another big gulp, stopping the program on some romance looking k-drama.

"You wanna watch that?" Taehyung, absolutely mortified looks between me and the screen.

I chuckle lightly.

"I love anything romance. Maybe because I never had any of it." I don't know why I am suddenly telling him this but my mouth just seems to continue on without my brains permission.

"Never had a girlfriend, nor a first kiss. That's why my mom sets me up so much, because she's afraid I'm not normal. Since I never liked anyone" I'm telling him way t po much. Way too personal stuff for the little time we've known each other.

I look at him shortly before returning my attention to the TV, finally holding my mouth.

"That's really sad man" Taheyung also takes a drink, seaming sincere.

Suddenly his silliness and the over the top energy has evaporated.

He seems humble, kind and gentle. Like I could tell him anything in the world and he wouldn't judge me for any of it or call me stupid.

I never felt that about someone else before.

How can he just switch his demeanor like the snap of a finger?

"I've been with some people" he sighs, I spare him a glance.

His gaze seems far away.

"It was nice. Feeling loved, wanted...  needed" he moves around his arms as he talks, expression thoughtful.

"But I could never return any of it you know?" He looks at me, but probably not expecting an answer.

"It always stayed at they're nice, they're good, I like them." He takes another gulp of beer out of his bottle, TV playing quietly in the background totally forgotten.

He seems so different from the giddy, silly and happy boy I've been living with.

There's a certain calmness, a quiet thoughtfullness in those dark brown eyes.

I can't help but admire this so different side of him.

"I never really 'loved' anyone." His voice quiets down, our eyes meet.

"So you really don't want to be with the guy  you sleep with?" I ask, also reaching for my bottle of beer.

"No, I just let my mind get lost in the pleasure to forget some things." He smiles sadly.

And suddenly I'm scared he'll cry. I wouldn't know what to do then.

"To our somewhat sad love life's." We toast before both exing the rest of the bottle.

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