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Jungkook POV

I called Jimin and Taehyung really did already take off to see his parents. So my only choice is waiting now. It's actually killing me, I just want to finally be able to act upon my realization. I mop around at home, impatiently waiting.

But I'm also nervous. I don't even know if he feels the same for me. When I look back at it all now it does seem like it but he is in a relationship. What's with Jimin? Sure I'm not really his best friend but he's only ever brought kindness my way. I don't want to 'steal' his boyfriend.

But on the other side I wanna throw myself into this wholeheartedly, I've finally found who I've been looking for for so long. Yes, he might not be what I imagined my first partner to be like, but who cares. For some reason he captured my heart and there's nothing that I can do about it now, then at least trying to make it work.

When the front door opens, all that confidence disappears into thin air, anxious nervousness setteling in my stomach instead. This won't be as easy as I imagine it to be. „Hey" my voice gets stuck, sounding all weirdly high, embarrassing. I cough quietly to clear my suddenly so closed off throat.

„Hiiii" Taehyung smiles wildly, making that warmth fill my heart again and calming my nerves a tiny bit.
„Do you want to maybe do something togheter?" I watch his movements as he removes his jacket, concentrating on every word so I don't mess up.

My heart is beating too fast, breathing going fast, afraid of being rejected.

„Sure!" Taehyung falls down on the couch beside me easily, cheerfully smiling. „What do you wanna do Jungkook-ah?" he crosses his legs, turning towards me so we can look each other in the eyes. It makes me nervous, he can clearly see every expression of my face now. I love how my name sounds when he says it.

I gulp, „do you wanna go on a Picknick or something when it's sunny?" Good job Jungkook, you sounded actually pretty normal there, hopefully the face didn't give too much away.

I met eyes with Taheyung, a suspicious glimmer shining in his eyes, one eyebrow pulled up. quickly I look away, just in case he can read it from my eyes. His eyes remain focused on me, I can feel them piercing through my facade, seeing the real intention underneath.

„Are you asking me on a date?" His voice is low, rough, deep, dangerous but so intriguing. His voice plays over in my head, making a hover run down my spine. Nervously I pick at my fingers, gaze resting on my lap still. My mouth seems glued closed.

„Hm?" he hums questioning when I don't answer. One of his hands reaches out, gently directing my chin up so I have to look at him. His touch stays there, like holding me in place. I don't mind, the warmth of his contact sends sparks of electricity through my body.

His eyes are dark and deep, like I could fall into them and never come out of them, which I probably could. There's a teasing tilt to his eyebrows like he's mocking me, one corner of his mouth turned up into the most captivating smirk I have ever seen.

My heart is beating so loud I bet he can hear it. I feel an intense urge to just lunge forward, capture those lips with mine and steal that teasing smirk of his face. But I hold back. At least go on one date before you elide to completly throw yourself at the guy, god damit Jungkook.

„Yeah" I whispered breathless, weakly. My mind is distracted with capturing every little tiny detail of this moment.

„Great!" He giggles, the darkness gone, that intenseness gone, only that familiar adorableness left that makes me feel so at home.

He leaves me there, a flustered mess on the couch cushions as he skips into his own room happily.

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