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Jungkook POV

Since then our friendship has been scyrocketing.

Watching game shows on TV and guessing along with the participants, eating breakfast togehter on most mornings, chatting while doing homework on the couch.

Thankfully Taehyung has agreed to keep his mess in his room, satisfying my need for cleanness and order.

Our personality's fit like puzzle pieces.

He brings some creativity and adventure in my well planned world while I bring some order in his mess.

"Whey ary yoch shoo god at cooging?" Like always Taehyung's cheeks are stuffed with the noodles I made for the two of us.

Sauce is stuck on his chin, lips messy as well.

I giggle, watching him sturggle with swollowing the huge amount he managed to shove into his hamster cheeks.

In the process the sauce comes unstuck to slip down his chin and drip onto his beloved yoga pants before he can stop it.

"Fort fruoks shage" he continues to struggle as I burst out laughing, watching him try to get the stain out of the fabric, mouth still half full of pasta.

Absolutely laughing my eyes out I almost miss my phone vibritaing in my jeans pocket.

Message from Mom

I open up our chat already assuming what was waiting for me and dreading to open the text.

And yup I was right.

She found me a date again.

Eomma has a huge net of old woman friends with and I quote "really nice daughters".

She keeps showing my picture around so she can set me up with one of them for a date. As of now she has not succeeded.

I wasn't ever interested in any of them.

However she keeps on insisting I go, threating me of cutting my allowance if I don't follow her orders.

So I do.

But maybe I have someone to bail me out now.

Taehyung is completely engrossed into his food, unbothered by my eyes on him.

"Taehyung?" I slide my phone back into my jeans pocket, leaving my mom on my okay message.

"Hmm?" He looks up, face still full of sauce.

Involuntarily I have to smile at his image, he looks like a kid.

Come closer, I grab a napkin and coarfully clean of the food around his mouth.

Therefore I can't help but notice. His lips are full, with a pretty cupid's bow, they seem soft and are a pretty redish tone.

Wait what am I doing?

I pull back quickly, bringingy thoughts in order again.

"Can you come with me to a date?" I, embarresed look away from his face. "My mom keeps setting me up and I though you could maybe bail me out if it's going horribly?", I sigh "I know it's a lot to ask" I keep rumbeling on.

He stops me with a hand on my arm, both looking up and our eyes meeting.

"Of course buddy." He smiles for a second before his whole attention is focused on the almost empty plate of noodles.

Aish, such a kid.


"Jungkookah!!" Taehyungs loud voice sounds through the wall over into my room.

Disturbing me peacefully working ony assignment for next week.

"Entertain me Roomie!" Soon enough the door burst open, revealing a pouting Taehyung in the door frame.

"We're not roommates." I state dryly, trying to stay focused and ignore the elder.

I don't even here his footsteps over the wooden floor board but I sure notice him whem he hugs me.

I freeze, completely.

His head is on my shoulder, arms around my upper chest, his breathing warmly tickling my ear.

From his hands the warmth spreads along me, my heart beats because I'm not used to this kind of affection.

"My friend I was supposed to meet today ditched me! So now I'm lonely!" Half his sentence get drowned out from him burrying his face in the fabric of my

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