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Jungkook POV

Exams: done
Assignments: handed in

I plop unto my bed happily, now that everything is over for half of semester. All done with uni for today, mind coming over later?, I text Jennie.

„I'm at Jimins and after I'm driving home for a few days, remember?" Taehyung yells from somewhere in the kitchen.  „Alright, have fun" I yell back.

I haven't been in this good of a mood since forever. Everything is going smoothly. All graded stuff done with, mother satisfied with grades and girlfriend development, getting along perfectly with my flatmate.
Not that I'm dating Jennie. She would be the perfect girlfriend because I actually like her, but there's none of that urge to always see her, or think about her all the time, like they describe it in those love novels.

Later that evening we're eating pizza out of the carton we ordered it from, laughing about old memories and what stupid kids we used to be.  How we used to mock each other all the time, but always stick together infront of our parents.

We decide to watch a movie as it grows deeper in the night, both not tired enough to go to sleep yet. „What about this romcom?" Jennie scrolls through netflix as I try to pry a piece of cheese out between my teeth.
M mein is elsewhere tho. I wonder what Taehyung is up to right now? He's probably with his family right now.

I wonder how they are, He never talked about that to me. Should I text him? NO, Jungkook cam your anxious little heart, he's doing just fine.

„Yeah let's watch that" I answer instead, forcing my mind to focus on something else. We get cozy with a massive bowl of Doritos and both a coke, between us so that we can both easily reach.

Our eyes lock when we both grab the same dorito, without even looking, hilarious. But before I can make some funny joke up about it my heart stops. Soft lips on mine, my eyes close instinctively.

It feels wrong. There's not those wild butterflies, no heartwarming warmth rushing through my body, like it was when I kissed Taehyung when I was drunk. Her lips aren't as full, not the same shape, no smell of heavenly vanilla and no feelingof ease, of being at home.

After a few seconds I break away, head a mess again. All those... things I felt... when I kissed... him.. why weren't they here this time? There's not an immense excitement setteling in my chest, no name added to the love life folder. Still the only name written all over the first page in big black letters is Kim Taehyung.

My flatmate, whom I've known for half a semester. Whom I've spend late night studying sessions with energy drinks with, who lifts my mood so easily with his so cheery personality. Whose chaos is like an beautiful arrangement of one little uncontrolled painting in my head.

I love him.

I'm so dumb to only realize this now. I've never even looked at this perspective before.

„That was... weird" Jennie rubs at her lips, instead of feeling offended I'm glad we're on the same page.

„Jennie, I don't think we should be more than friends, I just can't" I breathe out, almost hoping that she didn't hear so I don't hurt her.

Surprisingly she smiles at me „I can only see you as a friend too."  „You like Taehyung, Don't you?" She giggles cutely, probably because I must look quite starstruck right now.

Am I that obvious?

„They way you looks at him, once you realize it's so clear" She pinches my cheeks, treating me like her little kid. It makes me giggle too.

„Yeah, I guess" I can't help but smile, feeling relieved with how well she took the news.

She leaves with a little container of left over Doritos a hour later, when the film is over. She stands in the doorway, hand already on the handle to close it when she turns around for a second.

„Go get your mans Kook, fighting!"

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